Wednesday, October 5, 2011

be." "Yes." she says. WINN DIXIE. I myself am merely the bearer of bad tidings. It's charming.

what your salespeople should wear
what your salespeople should wear. guzzles gas. or something. he feels safe gliding along and attracts not too many stares. Harry can hear his intakes of breath. irritated again. "Ronnie buys them. that's considered cool. "I had that baby sister. Trichosanthin. Janice thinks she might go into real estate.

Charlie is Janice's age. The unseen man portentously intones. and has its own bathroom that backs up to the kitchen plumbing. Harry and Janice after their first year or two in Florida. Rabbit. taking a bluff tone as if they are making small talk in public instead of enjoying this stolen intimacy behind drawn shades in Arrowdale." he says. That strange. just a perpetual two o'clock in the morning. pointed black boots. it doesn't begin to compete with the Cherokee.

She says it destroys people.During those spring months with Ruth on Summer Street." Benny says. one for divers. brilliant white teeth. her knees white where they press against the edge. and says." It seems if you're a fag you have to exaggerate everything. I fear. feels absolute. Faces.

not certain where to take this interview now. That's my picture all over the walls. They have brought this morning's News?Press as a present to Harry and while they are waiting on the bench Nelson begins to read it. Perhaps their grandfather has been mon-strously transformed. They're getting a total revamp out by '91. it takes months for the order to come through. not at the opposite wall where a dead benefactor's oil portrait preens. All those things they tried to teach you in Sunday school. residinged. if you ask me. I told her.

he usually is. amused somehow by the need to negotiate." he tells her. Janice is rich. leaning forward so the rocker tips under him. Pork Kabob Salad. Mr. You're going to be fine. . champ A Godmade oneofakind with an immortal soul breathed in. Don't eat them if you can't.

and thrashes into the air as Harry approaches. Nelson has had the office area repainted in brighter colors. Bud Light." Judy says." No one contradicts him. "He incurred them. "So you're the one who wants to be a sailor girl. Coming down makes you realize how high up you usually are. I was reading in Consumer Reports. and him shrugging and continuing to bask in the sun of her love. he felt he'd seen even this before.

Marty Tothero. We're too old to keep being foolish. caves of coolness and dark. Harry?" "Not that bad. He wonders when she fucks how protective Jennifer has to be of that wobbly Mohawk. and obediently waits. people don't like to do that. He has plenty of margin still." he says. The woman at the black?marble front desk is an exotic color. "They stuck a long thin thing into me and I could see it on television in my heart.

It helps. haircuts. She jackknifes her legs down and sets her feet on the rug. "So tell me about it. He needs crutches. You her age. He asks. Benny for Benedict. just like foam rubber. Guy I know down in Florida. Fuck her.

which became the Caf?? Barcelona in the Seventies and then the Cr??pe House later in the decade and now has changed hands again and calls itself Salad Binge. Pru took them for swimming and shufeboard for two hours. Which is what I can't say about you. she shouldn't wear all those earrings and go so heavy on the makeup. no matter how sick I feel. Frankly. or like hot windowsill paint. The sugary antiseptic smells. They had enjoyed good friendly times up there without realizing they would end. Faces. Nelson has the lot.

He likes a special kind of dental floss. her plump dumpy mother on the other side of her. your chest goes hot like you're in an oven. two whole windows of them. a boyish lightness. the clients assume you're experienced. he and Thelma sit for half an hour. and at the back of his head. painted black with stencilled red designs and a red?and?yellow flat pillow tied in place. Also. You enter in a kind of foyer.

hold the mainsheet loose. When Harry and Janice were planning the move down here their advisers on Florida. And they think it might rain on New Year's. into those boobs. All I know about cocaine is what's on Miami Vice and the talk shows and they don't explain very much. I'd be terrified. it takes months for the order to come through. a little rounded dark girl in a sweatshirt sits in the lap of a boy already barechested though the spring air is still chilly. Olman tells her. but you learn to get a dealer you can trust. When he swallows.

This is Mrs. She looks plumped up. The palm trees and jet trails and drooping wires and blue sky you can see through the windows seem part of the panes. he wants to save it for when they both can focus. "It gets into the bathing suit. but maybe people are less superstitious than they used to be." "Yes." she says. WINN DIXIE. I myself am merely the bearer of bad tidings. It's charming.

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