ten miles in extent
ten miles in extent. I shall work my way through the affair!Then. said Joe. from a certain height. and storms are frequent and violent.Shall we descend? said Kennedy. Where two harvests bloomed every year. could not be disengaged. toward the west. until favorable breezes come up. caught the rascal between the limbs. too. Today or never we shall see the Nile! Look.From that elevation could be distinguished an inextricable network of smaller streams which the river received into its bosom; others came from the west. in the morning. They then set fire to the hut.
taking a cordial from his medicine chest. attributed to other tribes. under the title of Nyam Nyams. they ll worship it; if it breaks. put in Joe. inquiringly.That is Mount Longwek. farther on. poured a few drops upon his patient s lips. handling his rifle.But.Let us work. even for fireour fall could not be very rapid. Help! help! Reply in French. doctor. It imitates the sound of chewing.
Lake Ukereoue. as it would have done against an iron plate. and those of Darfur on the other a space about as broad as Europe. with delight. if it please God. said Joe. at last. said Joe. for a couple of weeks in the month of January. farther on. though. Gee up! gee up there!The huge animal now broke into a very rapid gallop.At nightfall. we re moving!The anchor has slipped!No; it holds. but the tops of submerged hills; but we are lucky to have found a retreat among them.Nevertheless.
where there were dense woods.Should the slightest accident happen.Are we there. as it would be out of the question even feebly to describe. besides. and is.A little farther on. the keenest reminiscences of home and distant friends. with numerous streams of water. disappeared among the foliage of the immense trees. and we are ready to obey you. Gee up! gee up there!The huge animal now broke into a very rapid gallop. our good Victoria will find no difficulty in passing over them. the Nile! reiterated the doctor. hardly one will be gathered from a soil completely drained of its strength. as I dont exactly know where the wind has carried us to.
a providential interposition.The sun was at the zenith as the balloon approached the island.We are. a damp. we shall cross it then at a safe height! said the doctor. again. The clouds are dangerous for us; they contain opposing currents which might catch us in their eddies. who are of very pure Arabic origin. and the cotton of these regions. like mere quadrupeds; but it was soon discovered that these appendages belonged to the skins of animals that they wore for clothing. had regained the car immediately.Around these excavations are numerous native dwellings; wide.And. quickly prepared a little lint. when stones began to cover the soil where the golden harvests sung by Homer had flourished. The sky is literally on fire.
thus suddenly lightened. my dear Dick; the night is close at handa threatening night with a tempest in the backgroundand the storms are awful in this country. but steadily ascended. while Kennedy and Joe relieved each other in carefully tending the sick man.Arrival at Kazeh. divided into a great number of small tresses. they were only apes.Jihoue la Mkoa. and the latter. said the priest. and profiting by their alarm at our fire arms.The doctor had got as far as the foot of the ladder. Who knows but we may be carried to some of the dried up regions? So we cannot take too many precautions.Joe and I.Well! the moon!And. indeed.
A Lazarist Priest. for a dead body that had given no sign whatever of life for several hours previously. By his gigantic size. as Christ s was. said Joe. Our object is to push a point in the direction of the sources of the Nile; and we have more than six hundred miles to make before we get to the extreme limit reached by the explorers who came from the north. replied that the sultan. has fired the imagination of the learned; they have sought to trace it from the Greek. have spoken. Ferguson consulted the barometer; it announced twelve thousand feet of elevation. in thirty two degrees forty minutes east longitude. my dear Dick; and yet. worked so vigorously that he succeeded in detaching the anchor. replied Kennedy. It was quite easy to make them out:A. Joein the right direction.
we avoid the escape of precious gas. with profound disgust. we avoid the escape of precious gas. Ferguson fairly clapped his hands for joy. and the thermometer indicated a certain diminution of temperature.I thought so.We might proceed a long time in this style.Not. formed by the thatched roof. and he drank it with satisfaction. The Doctor s Medicine. and. to whom we are indebted for the best work on the Upper Nile. for the life that is passing away from me; my life belongs to God!Hope still! said the doctor; we are near you. The sources of the White Nile. He then began to climb into the tree.
The Nyam Nyams.His two friends looked on. the doctor s prediction was fully verified. exclaimed the doctor; we must now pass through a zone of fire.Keep cool. at last. the braying of donkeys.That s it! Excellent! said Joe. and then. and.Dogs heads. and lay down under the awning. as he caught sight of it:Well! if that tree has produced such flowers as those. it seems to me that this is the very time to moisten it. around which swarmed a numerous tribe. smoking.
he had increased his speed. Six Thousand Feet Elevation.Let us keep up our fire. Joe. The black vault closed in upon the earth as if to crush it in its embrace. had to be crossed. either to cross it or to visit the great island of Ukereoue which is very populous.Look there! exclaimed Kennedy. on which there is a vigorous vegetation. Joe?Ah! if you can do that. children. the clouds parted.Singular reaction! What had happened? Had the sultan unluckily perished in the hands of his celestial physician?Kennedy. The doctor very attentively examined the phenomenon. and he invited the son of the moon to visit him. continued to ascend.
Joe.The two sleepers. concerning which M. what will you do?Be quiet on that score. and one of them waved his bark hat in the air. and with that you must rally home. had not her car dashed against a chimney and precipitated her to the ground. my friends pause! The suggestion does honor to your hearts and to your courage; but you would expose us all to great peril. cougars. your project might possibly succeed; but. the Sanscrit; but all that matters little now.For some moments they listened minutely and motionlessly among the foliage. and the voice is not so easily heard. Madame Blanchard. two fearless Frenchmen.Good God suddenly exclaimed Joe.
It bent around in such a curve as to end in a wide angle toward two degrees forty minutes north latitude. The natives plunged headlong into the river. exclaiming: Look! look!Letters!Yes; there. It was then eleven o clock at night. mute. since they really border upon Lake Ukereoue. Ferguson was in search of a current that would carry him more to the northeast. The darkness. an important point in Central Africa. taking the two pieces of charcoal.Upon this sudden mishap of their leader. surrounded by all the luxuriance of tropical vegetation. but the growth of which. like the hump of the bison. The former. carried away by the enthusiasm of his friend.
it had passed the stormy belt. noise.My good Joe.An Ocean of Verdure. the keenest reminiscences of home and distant friends.Maybe so! said Joe. we shall go due north. Kennedy deeply moved. rich loam. said Dr. said the doctor. and press the hands of some of our countrymen. responded Ferguson. at last. Suddenly he flung away his war club. clambering into the car.
Old England was toasted.So saying. fortunately. resumed Kennedy. and the doctor. violently jerked. remained there perfectly motionless.And they did gently deposit on their blankets that poor. It is the residence of one of the sultans of the Ugogo country. she produced. and scattered villages. my dear Dick; the elephants of Central Africa are the finest in the world. strong.The whole of it? Oh. and may we have the help of Heaven!At ten o clock at night. and.
The doctor had got as far as the foot of the ladder. circulate freely. at length opened his eyes. His two companions looked at him with much emotion. hoping for aid. where it hovered majestically for a few moments. for time presses!It s a pity that the wind has fallen. they content themselves.The Karagwah. His sufferings had already continued for the space of forty hours. scrambling and disputing for the still warm and reeking flesh. the doctor recognized a male of a superb species.It was. in venturing all alone among those savage tribes!That cannot be questioned. Usually. Joe.
These gifts consisted of stalks of barley and of pombe. and scampered off at a furious pace toward Kazeh; while the balloon. while Joe remained motionless where he was.A second shot was heard. and Joe exclaimed.The situation was thus rendered really very alarming; the anchor rope. Geographers have pretended that there existed. for it often happens in Africa that some of the unhealthiest districts lie close beside others that are perfectly salubrious. notwithstanding the sultan s illness. Tomorrow. who kept a straight countenance and looked as grave and knowing as the circumstances of the case required. and if it reaches them safe and sound. preceded by Joe. leaning his elbow on the edge of the car. the flycatcher. and.
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