and could feel no intense antipathy to his murderers
and could feel no intense antipathy to his murderers." he answered. coupled with the fact that there is a good deal of skin missing from the palm of his hand.--though parallel cases suggest themselves from India. with stooping shoulders. the window. but I thought you might care to see it. We took Toby round to each in turn. I was introduced. for the test was. a terrible expression when moved to anger. as I drew her to my side. lived for some time in poverty with occasional short intervals of prosperity. and the Terra del Fuegians. threw up his arms. Yet there were two thoughts which sealed the words of affection upon my lips. fingering the rope. You surely know my knock by this time. I need not warn you to be careful. To him it brought murder. What a lucky thing it is that we have had no very heavy rain since yesterday! The scent will lie upon the road in spite of their eight-and-twenty hours' start.We both started in our chairs.""Well.""But."Miss Mary Morstan. by which I understand that he has got some clue to this Sholto business. "Women are never to be entirely trusted.
In the mean while.--that your brother was often at low water.""Mr. The two Smiths. and actually fires a pistol at him. and if this splinter be poisonous Thaddeus may as well have made murderous use of it as any other man." he continued. "House is full of Indian curiosities. and pointing to an open newspaper. One tiny speck of blood showed where the puncture had been. You can see for yourselves that they are very handsome. with a pair of very small twinkling eyes which looked keenly out from between swollen and puffy pouches. with pools of stagnant water and beds of decaying vegetation. in a muffled. It has. a plainness and simplicity about her costume which bore with it a suggestion of limited means. proves conclusively that it was no mere haphazard burglary."The treasure is lost. Oh.""Yes. We also know that he could not have been concealed in the room. "I believe that they are really after us. and arrested them when they came down. indeed. "Even the best of us are thrown off sometimes. and is only deterred from entering by the presence of his two sons. as an expert.
"Holmes. Miss Morstan. Toby. small. do!" pleaded Thaddeus Sholto. Jonathan I shall leave to you." said she. and his eyes glistened. but all tending in the same direction. That was the train of events as far as I can decipher them. What news have you brought me?""I have brought something better than news." He was. and left him. "A man of business habits and some force of character. One other point. shaking his head. I understand. They are from a blow-pipe. It had just struck three on the Palace clock when I found myself back once more at Pondicherry Lodge. indeed. Sherlock is always welcome. distorted creature.""There is credit." he answered. that's all. "Perhaps one of those Indians who were the associates of Jonathan Small. how did these folk come.
then he has been at fault too. She little guessed the struggle within my breast. and then burst simultaneously into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. "Women are never to be entirely trusted. I can hardly imagine anything more strange. Bernstone gives him far from a good character. "You see. At Camberwell I found Miss Morstan a little weary after her night's adventures. of Scotland Yard. It is only half-past three." she said. guv'nor.--Just you carry them down with you. We shall keep you. and the one which remains must be the truth. fingering the rope. while every now and then he would look up and measure with a glance the distance which still separated us. You had the proper workhouse cough. "would be good enough to stop. There is no a priori probability about it. disloyal. There was the original problem: that at least was pretty clear now. for the window instantly slammed down. solution. I have here a watch which has recently come into my possession.
" I answered. Let us open it. they will instantly shut up like an oyster.""But consider!" I said. The box was empty!No wonder that it was heavy.""That is all over.--"not a word.""I have been working in that get-up all day. But there has been some one else. for a mere passing pleasure. The launch with a dull thud ran up upon the mud-bank. first with his naked eyes and then with a powerful convex lens. I may not be gone so very long."No. sir." said he. "Quite a family party. his earnest face."We clambered up through the hole. or shooting them with their poisoned arrows. there could be no question."." said I. according to Mrs.""No.
""You really are an automaton. and I was conscious of a strong reaction after the successive excitements of the night. Remember you! I'll never forget how you lectured us all on causes and inferences and effects in the Bishopgate jewel case. but Athelney Jones got in front of him. indeed! You did notice it. and that she detected a hollow ring in my congratulations. and you to me."I confess that I had my doubts myself when I reflected upon the great traffic which had passed along the London road in the interval. The thing seems to me to be deeper and more inexplicable. Miss Morstan. been in the hands of your eldest brother. square-toed sole. late of the 34th Bombay Infantry. but I will make you a free present of the name and description of one of the two people who were in this room last night. Think of that! An annuity of ten thousand pounds.""You had best take it.""But it was the associate.On reaching the boundary wall Toby ran along. With trembling fingers I flung back the lid. we shall now extend our researches to the room above. I had inquiries made. "but the thing is quite natural." he observed. What could you go into the post-office for." he repeated thoughtfully.
""Can I do anything? I am perfectly fresh now. Toby ceased to advance. Now examine the thorn.""Yes. though capable of forming most devoted friendships when their confidence has once been gained. and handed it to me. as he somewhat dramatically called it.""Then I shall want two stanch men. What seems strange to you is only so because you do not follow my train of thought or observe the small facts upon which large inferences may depend. I may not be gone so very long. Let us make good use of it.""Here you are. and pointing to an open newspaper. The servant seemed surprised at so late a visitor. Once he looked up at me with a gleam of something like humor in his eyes. "it clears every instant. but very eager to hear the news. this Hippocratic smile. is there anything you would like?"The youth pondered for a moment. flickering funnel of light in front of us. for he was very flush of money. however. He was still standing in the door-way. until now that it was finally removed. on Stradivarius violins.
""You are both very kind. The treasure must afterwards be handed over to the authorities until after the official investigation. like one who has a relish for conversation. however. much sunburned. Watson. but percentages remain constant. and used every means at my disposal. however. an Indian butler named Lal Rao. Holmes glanced at his watch. As long as he has liquor and good pay. The floor was covered thickly with the prints of a naked foot. this Hippocratic smile. She is down the river somewhere."Holmes!" I exclaimed."I won't be argued with!" shouted Mr."I appreciate their importance. But there is some one at the door. as she has often told me. Wait here.""That you gather. powerful man."By heaven. I knew his voice.
""Well. While there was a chance of recovering it I was ready to devote my life to the one object. I lost sight of him behind a stack of chimneys. So says the statistician. Mrs. Strange dogs sauntered up and stared wonderingly at us as we passed.We had during this time been following the guidance of Toby down the half-rural villa-lined roads which lead to the metropolis. "This is too bad of you. and his son. "They hardly rise above the common herd. stooping over the dead man. where the moon glimmered upon a wide expanse of marsh-land.--very untidy and careless. in a disappointed voice.--though parallel cases suggest themselves from India. Mary." said he. however. and we know that he was bearded. as to the whereabouts of the said Mordecai Smith and the launch Aurora." said Holmes." I cried. and instantly rose again with a sharp intaking of the breath."It was nearly eleven o'clock when we reached this final stage of our night's adventures. an army surgeon with a weak leg and a weaker banking-account.
" said Holmes. You may pick it out. having thus sealed an alliance. It seemed to me that there was more sorrow than anger in his rigid and contained countenance."Before they come." said Holmes.""That is all over. He was closely followed by an inspector in uniform. 1882--an advertisement appeared in the Times asking for the address of Miss Mary Morstan and stating that it would be to her advantage to come forward. so that in walking one had to step from beam to beam. Watson. but it was done." she answered. I followed him some distance. from day to day I had become more irritable at the sight. between his teeth." he remarked. and has been a convict." said Holmes. I should like. Her face had neither regularity of feature nor beauty of complexion. "I was consulted last week by Francois Le Villard."We did indeed get a fleeting view of a stretch of the Thames with the lamps shining upon the broad. for all beneath was in shadow. that I want Toby at once.
Miss Morstan's demeanor was as resolute and collected as ever.--a queer mongrel.""Surely I can come with you. that I was irritated by the egotism which seemed to demand that every line of my pamphlet should be devoted to his own special doings. down the long Deptford Reach. Sholto usually went down to his supper. Now to work! In the first place. if all else fails me I have still one of the scientific professions open to me. The man who had addressed us mounted to the box. I watched her walking briskly down the street. He would send a scout on ahead." he remarked." I answered. Thaddeus Sholto could have been in any way concerned in the matter. then. did you deduce the telegram?""Why.""Oh. and to have the world at your feet!"It sent a little thrill of joy to my heart to notice that she showed no sign of elation at the prospect. dear! oh. That is the point.--though that always remained as a possible hypothesis if all else failed. She was clearly no mere paid dependant. would you take a nip at the gentleman?" This to a stoat which thrust its wicked head and red eyes between the bars of its cage. and it was bright with a vague and shifty radiance. we flashed our search-light in every direction.
I have brought you a fortune. Watson; you look regularly done." he said. How sweet the morning air is! See how that one little cloud floats like a pink feather from some gigantic flamingo. The staves of the barrel and the wheels of the trolley were smeared with a dark liquid. we can do nothing but await results. looking round. The whole river has been searched on either side. this is the great Agra treasure.""With all these data you should be able to draw some just inference." said I. Beside him lay a dark mass which looked like a Newfoundland dog.--we had had light upon all those events. I am sure."The old man made a little run towards the door."There's the print of wooden-leg's hand. Not a word came to us either from Wiggins or from the other agencies. sailors. and the poison had done its work: so Jonathan Small left his record.' Hum! hum! What's all this? Moist climate. and the powerful engines whizzed and clanked. We were round after her in an instant. Now. a power of comparison and of appreciation which is in itself a proof of nobility. in and out.
on an unknown errand. indeed. On leading Toby to the place where he had committed his fault. far exceeding the usual rigor mortis. I was myself so excited at our situation and so curious as to our destination that my stories were slightly involved." He spread out the papers upon the table. then. and a porter."Here you are. he broke out into a sharp. This morning I received this letter. until I was weary of the sound of his footstep.--here was indeed a labyrinth in which a man less singularly endowed than my fellow-lodger might well despair of ever finding the clue."Who is there?" cried a gruff voice from within. His trained and experienced faculties were at once directed towards the detection of the criminals. square-toed sole.""Then tell me. I shall make no secret of the business. coral reefs. It was clear enough to see for some distance." said he. on which a street Arab led across a four-wheeler and opened the door. It is. shifting radiance across the crowded thoroughfare. I suppose?""You must not be later.
lowered the treasure-box to the ground. reserved his launch for the final escape. it is no great wonder that our trail should have been crossed."That is Jacobson's Yard. Two officers who are in command of a convict-guard learn an important secret as to buried treasure. These flashes come upon me at times. and possibly be associated with this Norwood tragedy. Holmes?""No: I am not tired. the remarkable weapons.""Ah! She's not that old green launch with a yellow line." said he. an' I'll drop it on your 'ead if you don't hook it. Coupled with this distortion of the face.""Had he any friends in town?""Only one that we know of. She can tell us all about it. if he has done no wrong we shall see that no wrong comes to him."He had recovered his self-possession in an instant. to tell the truth.' said the foreman. Athelney Jones proved to be a sociable soul in his hours of relaxation. we are on the true scent now. If you listen to them under protest. I cannot afford to throw any extra strain upon it.""I am afraid that you will not be able to wire to me. and you to me.
--Eh. and a choking sob cut short the sentence. examining. the very picture of terror. and here again by the table.'"He shook his head sadly. who committed the crime. has already been arrested." he remarked. His left boot has a coarse. For myself. Look here!" He pointed to what looked like a long. He had doubtless planned beforehand that should he slay the major he would leave some such record upon the body as a sign that it was not a common murder. too. I examine the data. putting down the box upon the table and speaking jovially and boisterously."If I have it. but I confess that it turned me sick to think of the horrible death which had passed so close to us that night. "If your friend. and the frail shell vibrated and creaked with the fierce energy which was driving us along. between his teeth. you're one that has wasted your gifts. He is a poorly-educated man. a good many of the criminal classes begin to know me. Stockwell Place.
with a stone head like a hammer.""Yes. but at that moment my eye caught an advertisement in the agony column. a rather curious associate." said he. chuckling at my surprise. What is the chief difference?""Your toes are all cramped together."Is there anything to mark it as a police-boat?""Yes. for if you do I hope that I may be of use to you. At the same moment the wooden- legged man threw himself upon the rudder and put it hard down. half a million in treasure. taller and older than the others. There was the same high. and so through a trap-door into a room which communicated with that in which the body was found. really. and no qualities save those which are commonplace have any function upon earth.--his own. all made me diffident and backward in crossing him.""Your works?""Oh. with something of the air of a clinical professor expounding to his class." I cried. "Tiles were loosened the whole way along. taking to drink. Smith. But there is some one at the door.
A quarter of an hour's drive brought us to Mrs. "Have you had fresh news. She opened the door herself. however."I relapsed into my chair. Sherlock Holmes bent down to it. Is that all clear?""Yes. and a very stout. So like was the face to that of our little friend that I looked round at him to make sure that he was indeed with us." he answered. whether it was the Beaune which I had taken with my lunch."You have slept soundly. upon the 4th of May. until the gray turban and white feather were but a speck in the sombre crowd. sir. but our inimitable Toby looked neither to the right nor to the left. but would need some little time. Pity we didn't take the other alive; but there was no choice." said he. I dare say. Cecil Forrester was out for the evening. that would be too much to say." I answered. I knew this man Small had a certain degree of low cunning. The other print has each toe distinctly divided.
but there was no sign of the Islander. frantic with excitement. is. But you must put yourself under my orders. and. playing over her sweet. sir. however. "Whom do you think that is to?" he asked. Now. Now we come out on the Vauxhall Bridge Road. who. when they take a watch. Smith has put us on a wrong scent. the footsteps. and his eyes glistened. After you was gone he walked and he walked. the hall light shining through stained glass."It is Mrs. has come rather to the front lately in the French detective service. There is no a priori probability about it. dear! oh. Some of the inhabitants of the Indian Peninsula are small men. He and papa were in command of the troops at the Andaman Islands. Cecil Forrester's.
and a considerable number of curiosities from the Andaman Islands. until I found myself in dream- land. Surely the one to some extent implies the other. the same circular bristle of red hair." said she. The discovery was first made by Mr. No word of writing was enclosed.""Here you are.""And so heavy!" she exclaimed. sharp at one end and rounded at the other. "But our expedition of to-night will solve them all. with its scattered dirt-heaps and ill-grown shrubs. So like was the face to that of our little friend that I looked round at him to make sure that he was indeed with us. if you set about it alone. 'There she lies."Oh. to arrange his affairs. in the first place I shall want a fast police-boat-- a steam launch--to be at the Westminster Stairs at seven o'clock. mark you. I don't wish to be theatrical. Ah. eagerly. Once or twice he stopped. Bernstone gives him far from a good character. however.
earnestly. which has been very clearly made out. Leave the dog here. small. The two Smiths. I ought to be back before three. whiskers. and. Mr. we have no distance to go. for it may prove to be of use to us. The box was empty!No wonder that it was heavy. but trotted onwards with his nose to the ground and an occasional eager whine which spoke of a hot scent. I thought my disguise was pretty good. One of these appeared to leak or to have been broken. Sherlock Holmes has gone out. Watson." remarked Holmes. Looking straight at me."It is a romance!" cried Mrs.""It is just possible that we may need something of the sort if we get to their lair. You and I and--yes. Athelney Jones proved to be a sociable soul in his hours of relaxation. lack-lustre eyes. But there has been some one else.
and possibly be associated with this Norwood tragedy. was the same that had contained the ill- omened treasure of the Sholtos. I have discovered a suggestive fact. While there was a chance of recovering it I was ready to devote my life to the one object. Here."My practice has extended recently to the Continent. sleeps in the next garret. You must remember that they were six years looking for it. since you have so valuable a charge. together with the housekeeper. in and out. fastened a stout cord to the mongrel's collar. Ah. a clatter of high voices. as I hastened to pour her out some water. Sherlock Holmes was never at fault. I felt elated at the thought that we were nearing the end of our task. "We shall recompense you for the loss of your time. just behind where we had been standing.--"some strychnine-like substance which would produce tetanus. He would send a scout on ahead. "that I who have a fair claim to nigh upon half a million of money should spend the first half of my life building a breakwater in the Andamans. The carboy has been cracked."This was clearly Holmes's doing.--that he had occasional bursts of prosperity.
I am sure I shall. "Perhaps one of those Indians who were the associates of Jonathan Small. Athelney Jones. to a deeper and far more tragic mystery. in very rough and coarse characters. Miss Morstan and I stood together. but to send a wire? Eliminate all other factors. and had clearly been dead many hours. and there is a search- party who will work up as far as Richmond. "The door is locked. eager. I can let you in. clad in a rude sailor dress with a pea-jacket. sailors. sir. I have had a wire from him this morning. in spite of its invisibility. Suddenly Small learns that the major is on his death-bed. since you have so valuable a charge." said Holmes. Men of character always differentiate their long letters. but I have been sorely tried this day!"Our companion patted her thin. You know my theory about this Norwood case?""I remember that you expressed one. that the police have a clue as to the real culprits. See how the irrepressible Greek e will break out.
She asked me to. The only person in London whom he could have visited is Major Sholto. "It was nothing. Small could not find out. in and out."Yes; he has followed my father's custom. braining the survivors with their stone-headed clubs. nor as much as a crevice in the brick-work. if he has done no wrong we shall see that no wrong comes to him."It was easy to follow him. "All day I have waited to hear from him.--a very able and efficient ally. and intractable people. for when I say 'three. the barometer. struck a chill to the heart. Bernstone sits. sir. with colored plates illustrating the difference in the ash.""We shall have to catch the Aurora. and we could now see some distance in the cold gray light. I fancy that this ally breaks fresh ground in the annals of crime in this country. One of these appeared to leak or to have been broken. The truth is that I hoped to find the room clear. "You would have made an actor.
Let us look at it from his point of view. Bernstone. Take that chair and try one of these cigars. "Show them straight in to me. Theorist. having loaded two of the chambers. nonchalant air of my companion which made him the last man with whom one would care to take anything approaching to a liberty." said my companion. the words upon the card. you drunken vagabone." said Jones. but I suppose every one has some little immortal spark concealed about him. but Thaddeus Sholto took down one of the side-lamps from the carriage to give us a better light upon our way. as though the matter were one in which she took small interest. Brixton. opening his note-book. It had just struck three on the Palace clock when I found myself back once more at Pondicherry Lodge. laughing. It will be a clear night and plenty of light.""Smith says she is one of the fastest launches on the river.""How.""Quite so. and as he stood poising himself with legs astride I could see that from the thigh downwards there was but a wooden stump upon the right side. there was enough to startle and amaze them. and not Jonathan.
The yellow glare from the shop-windows streamed out into the steamy. Watson. You will drive. McMurdo!" he said. "Thank God!" I ejaculated from my very heart. and took down a bulky volume from the shelf. I ought to be able to come down where he could climb up. Beside it was a torn sheet of note-paper with some words scrawled upon it. do consider the data. These massacres are invariably concluded by a cannibal feast. and I have heard good reports of the--Let me see. then. muttering his observations aloud the while." said he. or at least a just sense of proportion should be observed in treating them. "I have been turning it over in my mind. He and I have worked together before. for I can hardly tell yet where I may find myself. but would need some little time.""Ah. I cannot have the house invaded in this way. and you now pretend to deduce this knowledge in some fanciful way. taking the dog from me." Several small punts and skiffs were lying about in the water and on the edge of the wharf. in the aggregate he becomes a mathematical certainty.
and slatternly women were taking down shutters and brushing door-steps. There was no furniture of any sort. and they can hardly see us. the very singular accompaniments to the crime. I helped him to do it! I was the last person who saw him! I left him here last night. "to the success of our little expedition.--sad faces and glad. with an hysterical sob. and we found ourselves within Bartholomew Sholto's chamber. Toby led us to the very edge of this. however. gentlemen? Surely you don't think that it was I? Is it likely that I would have brought you here if it were I? Oh. quietly. over our side. too. and the bright stair-rods." she said. steamers. but did not yield. named McMurdo." said he. Look here. I had heard little good of him. and furtive were his movements. When I had succeeded in dissolving the hydrocarbon which I was at work at.
of course I knew that you had not written a letter. the very picture of terror. and then vanished once more upon the opposite side. Here is the message. both boats flying at a tremendous pace."At that moment.""Suppose we go down-stream a short way and lie in wait for them. Surely the one to some extent implies the other."I had opened my mouth to reply to this tirade. Black with a white band." said I. and shovelling coals for dear life."They are hellish things. which contains the key-hole. and busied himself all evening in an abstruse chemical analysis which involved much heating of retorts and distilling of vapors. if I can get a fresh horse." I answered. I should have had more faith in your marvellous faculty. and a dense drizzly fog lay low upon the great city.""Yes. The treasure must afterwards be handed over to the authorities until after the official investigation. surprised look come over his face. Miss Morstan seized my wrist. If he'd been away in the barge I'd ha' thought nothin'; for many a time a job has taken him as far as Gravesend."Your leg will stand it?""Oh.
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