Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Form and Function: Making the Most of Your Kitchen

Author:佚名 Source:none Hits:74 UpdateTime:2008-10-19 1:13:28

The kitchen is the center of your home, perhaps not in physical location but certainly in spirit. It is where the majority of activity takes place - where you prepare meals, where you eat them, where you hold important

discussions, where you congregate as a family and where you begin and end your days. Therefore, you want your kitchen to look as important as it is. To do that, you have to put thought and proper consideration into the

design and model of the room, and make sure that keep it up to date, whether that means making minor cosmetic changes or refurbishing the entire space.

Should you be forced to do the latter, you may have some financial hesitations; new cabinetry and countertops are not small expenses and will take a chunk out of your wallet, but in the end they will add to it, as well. After all,

remodeling your kitchen is one of the best investments you could make. It will not only recreate the room your family already flocks to, making it more enjoyable for all, but it will also add to the value of your property - nothing

lures in a homebuyer like state of the art appliances and cabinetry - so dont be afraid to invest a little more than you normally would into your kitchen. In the end, it will come back to you many times over.

But how should you spend this money? What is the most important thing to add or update in your kitchen?

That all depends on what you want your final product to be. You should create an image of the ideal kitchen in your mind, and then create a realistic replica on paper, detailing the different aspects of the room from the

cabinets to the counters to the fridge to the stools at the breakfast bar. Plot it all out, with prices, so that when you get to work, there are no lingering questions. And when you finish, there are no overwhelming regrets. Walk

into the remodel with a plan and youll be able to walk out happy.

And when making that plan, remember, your options are very nearly limitless. What you can do in your kitchen - what you can install in terms of appliances and componetry has grown to include almost anything. You can

install countertops with the traditional plastic laminate or you could opt for marble, ceramic, wood, natural stone and other synthetic solid surfaces. When you shop for appliances you will find they not only are functional but

also attractive, sleek and built to look good in any space - small or large. Youll have your option of any number of add-ons, which can turn an ordinary appliance into a godsend for your kitchen. And when youre selecting

color, whether it is for your cabinets or your walls, you will have the opportunity to sift through a rainbow of colors until you find the one that will perfectly match you and your family.

The kitchen is by far the most important room in the house. Keep it that way by maintaining its functionality and beauty. Make it a room that is not only where all the action occurs but also where all of the action wants to occur.

Draw people to it with an intelligent and artful remodel - youll be glad you did.
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