Sunday, October 31, 2010

Unlearn Fear of Public Speaking

For some people the thought of delivering a speech in front of a crowd of people is more frightening than the fear of death itself. Unfortunately, this fear can be incompatible with certain professional paths.

Psychological research has shown that insecurity feelings derive in large part from anxieties about whether one will be liked, accepted, and respected by one's peers and significant others. Sometimes people are aware of these concerns, but often social insecurities of this type influence people's thoughts and feelings "automatically", without a lot of deliberate thought and sometimes even entirely outside of their awareness. All they experience are negative reactions to the self or to social situations.

People with fewer insecurities seem to have a range of automatic thought processes that make them confident and buffer them from worrying about the possibility of social rejection. Fortunately, recent research shows that with enough practice, even people with low self-esteem can develop these beneficial thought processes that might allow them to gradually become more secure and self-confident and less prone to social anxieties such as fear of public speaking.

Mind Habits, a video game designed to help train people to change their perception of social threats and boost their self-confidence has now also been shown to reduce the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Through repetitive playing, the game trains the mind to orient more toward positive aspects of social life, reducing the impact of related stress and leaving people more free to deal with their real stresses in a more relaxed state of mind.

"Many kinds of performancewhether intellectual, creative, or athleticcan be undermined by distracting thoughts about potential social evaluation and criticism," said Dr. Baldwin, whose team created the video games that are marketed by his company Mind Habits, "Among golfers, for example, it is understood that when you hit a bad shot, you have to shrug it off and shift your focus to the next shot. You cant get caught up in self-criticisms and in worries about what other people might think."

In a recent study at McGill University, Mind Habits recruited 23 employees of a telemarketing call centre to play one of their games, which involves clicking on the one smiling face among many frowning faces on a screen as quickly as possible. The new findings appear in the October issue of the American Psychological Association's Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

The call-centre employees did this each workday morning for a week. They filled out daily stress and self-esteem questionnaires and had their cortisol levels tested through saliva analysis on the final day of the experiment. These tests showed an average 17 percent reduction in cortisol production compared to a control group that played a similar game but without the smiling faces. Since cortisol is associated with heart-related conditions, there could be immediate health benefits to go along with the emotional well-being from reduced stress.
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Personal Finance for Seniors Be Careful of Investment Scams

Studies have shown senior citizens are frequently the target of various investment scams, with many losing money and property to dishonest and predatory operators. The good news is that armed with the following information - seniors will know what to look for and can identify and avoid such scams.

Here is a list of the common scams that target the elderly, and how each operates.

Pyramid schemes
Investment seminars
"Compensation" Scams
Equipment leases
Gift annuities

Pyramid schemes

An old favorite for the scamsters, Pyramid schemes assure high returns to investors, but the only people who systematically get rich from these schemes are the promoters themselves. These investment opportunities generally promise large profits based on the investors' ability to enlist other people to join the programs. Because the scheme uses the money from new investors to make payments to the old ones, some initial investors make money, but sooner or later, these schemes collapse and most of the investors lose all their money. Pyramid schemes often have no other source of revenue except for money put in by the new investors.

Investment seminars

Investment seminars do help to make money, but the ones who are consistently laughing their way to the bank are the advice peddlers. They are the ones making money from the admission charges, books, posters and audiotapes/ CDs sales. You should be very wary whenever you are offered any such get-rich-quick schemes.

"Compensation" Scams

These scams bring to mind the old adage, "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me". Investment scam victims often let the scamsters take them for a ride repeatedly. This is because the scammers promise to compensate the previous losses and bring in fresh gains. After losing some funds, seniors who have been duped once often go along with the new schemes with the hope of recouping their losses. Instead, they compound the damage and let the con artists take away more from their savings.

Equipment leases

It is true that most of the equipment lease deals are genuine, but there are quite a few tricksters operating who try to take advantage of the seniors by selling interests in ATMs, pay phones and Internet kiosks. What generally happens in such a scam is that companies sell equipment through intermediaries and then agree to lease back the equipment for a fee. Investors are promised huge profits with no risk. But the unrealistically high commissions and returns that they claim to pay are not feasible, and would doom any project.

Gift annuities

Gift annuities are basically cash/ property transfers to charitable organizations. A charitable gift annuity is just like a normal fixed annuity - except that a charity benefits from your investment. There is no problem with gift annuities per se, but many small organizations have jumped into the fray, promising high returns but giving only vague information about themselves. These are generally designed to relieve you of your funds or property, and it's best to steer clear of such schemes.

While there is no shortage of con artists, most of them operate in very predictive ways, as outlined above. Seniors citizens can easily recognize these scams from the descriptions and methodologies mentioned here, and steer clear of the scammers before they are taken advantage of.

Are Home Typing Jobs a Scam?

I'm sure you've come across these ads - "Home Typists needed", "Data Entry Jobs", "Make $200 a Day", "Get Paid to Fill Forms", "Make $1000 a Day". The typical question I hear is "Are Home Typing Jobs a Scam?". Read this article and I will tell you exactly what home typing jobs are really all about.

Home typing jobs are one of the most well known ways to earn money online. It is a real basic process which doesn't take any specific skills to succeed. It mainly involves placing ads online for the purpose of generating sales for a specific company. Most companies are very generous in their pay which is usually from 50%-75% of their profit. So for instance, if you were to generate a sale by placing an ad for $49.95 you would receive about $34 from that sale. This can add up to quite a bit of money when you are generating multiple sales on a daily basis. There are several home typing companies out there that train you for this. They will write your ads and supply all the tools and resources needed along with step by step training and top marketing tips used by most internet gurus. Even though the word "sales" is mentioned, the home typists do not actually do any selling. They are simply instructed to place ads into the ad forms for pay. The companies handle all of the tech support, sales, delivery and so forth so it is a win win situation.

So the answer to your question is no. Home typing jobs are not a scam. I have noticed too many people are labeling them as such. I believe this is only due to the lack of knowledge regarding this type of work. This was also started by people who have joined similar programs and either didn't receive the proper training and support or they just did not follow through with the program. As with any online endeavor, it takes some work to become successful.

Some Tips on Finding a Good Home Typing Job -

1 - The most important thing is making sure the company you choose is going to offer sufficient training and support. Sending them an email with some specific questions would be a great way to see what kind of help you are going to get.

2 - Run a search with the BBB to see if the company has any prior complaints or unresolved issues.

3 - You can also run a basic Google search on the company name to check for unhappy customer comments.

I personally do this type of work myself and have been very successful with it. Unfortunately I did not have anyone to help me choose a company when I first started so I blew a lot of money trying different programs. I won't name any names but I was very disappointed with the little to no help I received with most. The program I work with now is exceptional and I would definitely recommend it to anyone. So if your looking for a reliable home typing and data entry company just check out my resource box below.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Affiliate Marketing Tactics: Should I Promote Smaller Affiliate Program?

When you first started out on something, you will definitely be unsure of certain things. Whenever people first get into affiliate marketing, they tend to work in the larger areas hoping to make the most out of it. Programs that

offer such things as mortgages, insurance leads and vacations are all very difficult to overlook whenever you are first starting out. According to their information, the leads come free and easy and they offer impressive lead


Whenever you get involved in doing this sort of thing, you realize quickly that it is not so easy and at times not free to actually generate leads for these programs. Normally, most people resulted in giving up at this point

because they feel that affiliate marketing does not work for them at all. Unfortunately, they are throwing away all the knowledge that they have acquired in the meantime that could be used to make them a small fortune.

What is affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing is not all about making the big score. It is more often used as a method to make a little bit of money many times over. This can be easily done through some of the smaller affiliate

programs that are available through the various networks. Although it may take a little bit of digging to find these programs, you would be shock with exactly how much money you can make by using them.

The reason why it is easier to make money with these programs is because they are not quite as full of competition as the larger ones. You can normally take a small affiliate program that only pays one dollar per lead or sale

and begin making sales almost immediately. But when you are trying to tackle a more competitive program this is something that is impossible.

Smaller affiliate programs can be found on a number of different networks. You can find them on network such as Commission Junction or most likely, you need to look a little bit further than that. You can

try affiliate networks such as Maxbounty or Azoogle to check out what they are offering. You would probably be shock that they have hundreds of different programs, which are focused on their own particular niche. By

choosing from this area, you will be more likely to start out on the right track and begin making money in a short period of time. Eventually, you can tackle the big programs if you like.

Affiliate Marketing Tips: Data Streams For Business Success

What ways can you use affiliate programs to make money on the internet? Actually, there are a lot of different ways that you can use affiliate programs to make money on the Internet. Mostly, many people learn how to design

webpage whenever they first get involved in affiliate marketing because they want to make sure that they have plenty of products available.

They may spend a lot of time putting these individual products up hoping that they will make some sales and pull in some traffic. This definitely is an effective way to be able to make money with affiliate marketing but it is also

possible for you to use data streams from the merchants themselves to make money.

Many of the larger merchants that are available will actually have data that you can put directly on your webpage which will include titles, descriptions and images of the products. This is the best way to be able to offer these

products without having to worry so much about designing a webpage and putting them all on your page individually.

At times, the data streams will be able to be customized so that you can stick with a particular range of products. When this is the case, your niche marketing efforts can really come to life. There are a number of people that

do not like to use this method for one reason which is duplicate content.

Search engines do not necessarily like duplicate content being on too many webpages. Normally they tend to ignore it like it never even existed before. If this happens, this can hurt your search engine rankings if you are not

using the data streams in the proper way. Since you will be unable to add in the images and description in the data stream, you must find another way to make sure that your webpages are not being penalized. It will take a

little bit of work but here is a simple way that it can be done.

To make sure that you do not get any duplicate content issues, you need to add additional content to every page. This will be in the form of description of the overall product features or a short article. The duplicate content

will normally not affect your search engine rankings if the main focus of your webpage is unique content. This may take a little bit of work but the additional search traffic that you would get from your efforts will make it worth it.

Front disk brakes for your old truck.

Disc Brakes: a great way to improve the safety of your old truck. Disc brakes were invented in England in the 1890s and the first system for use in automobiles was patented in Birmingham by Frederick W. Lanchester in 1902. But the first car to make use of this type of brake system was the 1949 Crosley Hotshot, a limited production model that is considered to be one of the worst cars of all time.

At first only race cars and very expensive models were equipped with front discs. They were installed in cars like the 1953 Jaguar C-Type, the 1955 Citron DS, ther 1954 Austin-Healey 100S. In America disc brakes appeared in the 1963 Studebaker Avanti, the 1965 Rambler Marlin and the 1965 Corvette Stingray. During the late 1960s and 1970s discs became an option in most cars. Today, even the least expensive automobiles comes with this system already built in. Motorcycles, buses, trucks and even bicycles have disc brakes today.

I got rid of the problem when I replaced the drums with a disc kit. As you can see on the image at left, the kit comes with everything you need and you don't have to fabricate anything, since the disc kit fits exactly where the original drum system is installed. To install a disc kit you just unbolt the drums and bolt on the discs. It's so easy that I did it by myself on my truck in one afternoon, with regular tools. Front disc brake kits are available from several suppliers for old Ford, Chevrolet, GMC and Dodge trucks. They may come with a power booster or not. In any case, you will have to install a brake booster to get the performance you want out of your new disc brake system. Cost may vary from about US$ 550 to over US$ 1,000 and this does not include installation. But as I said before you don't have to be a genious to replace your old brakes with a modern disc system.

Even if you want to keep your truck in its original condition I would advise that you install disc brakes on it. Your truck will brake much better and you will be a lot safer.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Gas Cards During Gas Crisis

These days, gas prices are becoming increasingly high. If you look closely at the average price of gas, a year ago, gas was sold at around $2.94 per gallon. Comparing it to last month, it increased to $3.98, with a difference

of $1 during the duration of the year. And just the other week it peaked higher to $4.082. So what about now? It skyrocketed to $4.10 per gallon. See how our gas spending is rising by the moment? Its really getting

ridiculously high, as what those "angry" people ranted.

Theres no way of knowing on how long this high price of gas will stop. Exports are getting richer and richer everyday while the ordinary people are getting poorer by the minute. Is there some way that the government can do?

It seems like nobody really cares about the gas situation anymore.

Because of the ongoing crisis, we have those gas cards to thank for. Since we know that the price wont be going down, we would just have to rely on these gas cards that can save us a whole lot of money. Whatever gas card

that you have: if its a prepaid gas card or a credit card, it wont matter. They work just fine.

What makes both gas cards different is through their offered rebates and rewards. Gas credit card rebates get more than in prepaid ones. Credit cards are handy because they are unlimited; whereas, a prepaid one is

reloaded with a specific amount only. Once it is used up, the prepaid card is useless.

It may be true that gas credit card rebates are helpful to any card holder or a car owner, but take note that different companies differ with their card features and benefits. Some rebates are long term and consistent, while

others have high rebates on the first few months, and slashes down for the succeeding months. So before you venture into any gas credit card, look into the cards subsidy.

On the other hand, big gas credit card rebates are not the least things that a low class or a middle class worker should worry about. Since you cannot afford to have a credit card that pays by monthly; stick to the prepaid

cards. Its cheaper and accessible anytime. You dont have to worry on paying bills since the card is already preloaded meaning, it can also pay for your gas without a hassle.
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

4 Top Selling UGG Boots and Shoes

The winter season is just around the corner and now is the time to purchase a new pair of UGG boots. But what is offered or what is selling at this present time. Well, below are four of the best deals and hot sellers for this

2008 season. All feature the signature sheepskin outer and inner lining that makes UGGS so special. Check them out and see what you think.

Ugg Classic Short Women's Boot

This boot retails for $130 dollars. One of Ugg Australia's top of the line boots, Ugg Classic Short boots are sure to provide a classic style that will get you looks from everyone around you. This boot offers signature Ugg

comfort, warmth and functionality. It features a molded rubber lugged outsole for traction and slip resistance. High quality, genuine sheepskin with premium fleece absorbs moisture and keeps your feet dry and comfortable in

warm and cold climates. Great colors too! Classics run somewhat large, about a whole size if you plan to wear them barefoot.

Ugg Classic Tall Women's Boot

This boot retails for around $160 dollars. If your looking for total comfort for your lower leg as well as your foot then this is the boot for you. Step into winter with the Classic Tall Ugg Boot. This boot offers warmth and

functionality, and a cozy, comfortable feeling against bare legs. Features a molded rubber lugged outsole for traction and slip resistance. High quality, genuine sheepskin upper with premium fleece lining absorbs moisture

and keeps your feet dry and comfortable in both warm and cold climates. Classics run somewhat large, about a whole size if you plan to wear them barefoot.

Ugg Classic Mini Boot

The Classic Mini retails for $99.99 at most stores The classic mini has all the comfort of the traditional Ugg boot with a cool shorter height! The suede is soft with a linen upper in a casual ankle-height boot style. The stitching

and seaming accent and pull on 5 1/4 inch boot shaft. Premium fleece lining absorbs moisture to keep your feet dry and comfortable in warm and cold climates. Cushioned insole, flexible midsole and molded rubber lugged

outsole for traction and slip resistance. Classics run somewhat large, about a whole size if you plan to wear them barefoot.

Ugg Cove Boot

The Cove retails for $149.99 dollars. Buyers of the Cove will love the luscious feel of these Cove casual ankle boots. The feature rich leather and suede upper in a casual anke boot style with a round toe. Leather lacing

around shaft for easy on/off, lovely etched design at heel, whip-stitched seam across midfoot. Luxurious sheepskin lining, smooth insole, very flexible midsole, molded rubber outsole with a ribbed traction pattern that is perfect

for wear all season. 1 1/4 inch heel.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Secured Business Loans: Converts Your Plan Into A Successful Venture

You need finances only when you find it absent with your own resources. But every time you may have different purpose. Needing finance for commercial usages can also be one of them that use to take your hard efforts only

for risk factor attached with it. every one know it simply that businesses are more attached unpredictable results that usually makes it tough to find financial help for it. But with the exploring activity and liberal policy of the

market, availing such helps has also become easier and you are nowAir Max 360 helped with secured business loans for this.

You can obtain secured business loans by putting either the business asset itself or any other fixed asset. This is mainly done to lessen the risk amount that ultimately broaden your chances and help you get several better

terms with the loan.

Your purposes to avail this loan can be anything attached with your business. The received amount is generally invested on the expenses such as, purchasing machinery and plants, buying raw materials, acquisition of office

premises and land, paying wages or salary, any payables of the business, or even paying off the debts.

To avail this you need to present a skill full business plan that is required to assess the financial prospect your business. Each and every expense should be mentioned clearly and should conform to the feasibility of

requirement perfectly. So, you chances more depend upon how you convincing a business plan you have after from other eligibility condition.

You can have any sum here depending upon the requirement that totally depends upon the market value of your collateral. An amount in the range of 10000 to 250000 is generally available here that is repaid over longer

repayment duration of 25 years.

The lower risk of the loan enables to get a lower rate as well as help you get your resort here even in your bad credit condition but with a somewhat higher rate of interest.

Besides the traditional lenders you can also contact the online lendersair max 90 there you find numerous options at a time and without any restriction

of time hour.

Secured business loans now broaden your chances and help you find finances for the business purposes even in an easier way. The lower rate help you lower the burden of finance and make it more viable to your financial

condition. the longer repayment option here eliminate the hassle of hectic repayment and give you more chance to perform better at your business with full concentration.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Taking Care Of Your Antique Books 19871029

The word antique comes from the Latin word 'antiquus' meaning old. Antiques represent a bygone era of society and are desirable due to their age, condition, rarity, and craftsmanship. Antique items are highly valued for their utility, appeal and social acceptance. People are ready to pay a high price for perfectly maintained antiques and evidencechanel outlet for this can be gauged from the prices that dealers, auction houses, and brokers charge.

Apart from adding to the aesthetic value of your home, antiques are considered a good investment for fetching returns many times over the purchase price. It helps to know ways to take care of your valuable antiques, especially the ones that are extremely vulnerable, such as antique books.

Taking Care of Antique Books:

Knowing the parts of a book is important in taking good care of your valuable antique books. The spine of the book is the most sensitive and vulnerable part of the book. It is the binding that joins the front and rear covers of the book. Pages of the book are hinged to the spine and it is the thinnest and the most sensitive part of the book.

Leather bound books need special care to prevent the leather from becoming brittle and eventually cracking. The quality of the original leather, age of the skin and tanning process used are important factors to consider. Generally, leather produced before the 17th century is finer and usually longer lasting than leather produced after the 17th century. Modern leathers deteriorate much faster due to air pollutants and light. Relative humidity below 40% will dry up the leather and make it brittle and eventually crack; high humidity above 68% will hastennike shoes the chemical deterioration of the leather.

Store the book away from bright lights to prevent leather covers from fading and occasionally apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly - this will prevent the leather bound books from drying and cracking.

Humidity is another important factor responsible for the deterioration of antique books. It is advisable not to store the books in the basement or the attic, as both places experience heavy fluctuations in temperature and humidity levels during summer and winter. Also, the basement is likely to get flooded during heavy rains. Temperature in the range of 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal.

Low humidity will make the paper dry and brittle, and will tear while you are turning pages, whereas high humidity will cause paper swelling and warping. Mold spores are present in the air and dust. Mildew or molds are fungus and they thrive in humid and warm environments. High relative humidity encourages the growth of mold, causing serious damage to the book as molds digest the material. This will lead to staining and loss of strength. It is recommended that antique books be stored in a clean and dry place away from bright lights.

The covers of the book should be protected with transparent material. Acetate can be used to cover books, as it is both transparent and stable. In the unfortunate instance where the cover of your antique book comes off, please seek professional help. Trying to repair it yourself may cause further damage to the book.

Antique books are a valuable investment and you are advised to take good care of them.