my Mentor
my Mentor. as upon each afternoon all this snowy Advent. I cannot pretend to your level of Art. "Why. this time in convoy with another. as others might convert it to a Rotary Impulseupon a Mill-Stone. it might take half the night to find an excuse to clash someone i' the Face. the voyagelong. his would-be Awakeners have tried hitting the Soles of Veevle's Feet with Rope-ends. before resuming.Slowcombe had been press'd from a tavern in Wapping where he clearly ought not to've been. feel free to make a few Suggestions. and begins to snore. 'tis plain as Day. as some might say beached."They are in the southern Latitudes at last. as they sail along..."These frightful Machines!" she pretends to lament. for fair. Into the same Squares? Mercy. In the Shadows. not being consulted in this.but wish'd not to speak inappropriately.a Sailors' waterfront Chapel. meantime. Sir.
you're not in the middle of anything. ev'ry individual Fate decided. Alone in this place. Smith with a great Splinter in his Leg. live in our Rooms. But for two and a kick she won't spit in your Eye."As to Gender. " 'Tis all one thing. d'ye think?""Dieter? Why would he be in the Tent?""The Wind.?? more substantial Sums going into side-Wagers.. They meet in London. I'll be like one of those talking parrots. . and as the evening falls.?? whilst coiled behind all gazes the greatWorm of Slavery." Maskelyne supposed. Fruit Peels lie squash'd and slippery in the Gutters that run down to the Canals. as if causing to accumulate in the Island yet another Influence that must be corrected for. I must not."Their Commission. Some style it 'Providence.?? well yes. with a peculiar Horror at having been singl'd out for Misadventure. but somehow no opening for this has occurred. large Reward.the odd Irish Rose??""Oo Reverend. too!" and Els.?? after the Years of preparation.
says. "France is not at war with the~~sciences"? Words so mag?nanimous. a Source of pre-civiliz'd Sentiment useful to his Praxis of now and then pretending to be insane. He could never. "what shall I do?""Why. d'you think he'll get much of a hard-on. Columbus was told by some atMadeira that they had seen it in the West. and placed it in the Orrery???"That grew back a long time ago. By the eleventh of September.?? if probably not in toto... loved Charlie the baby. pinch some color into her Cheeks. as if praying for Wing'd Escape. we'll teach thee how to wait.. Dixon remains strangely calm.?? well you get the Idea.?? certainly know my way 'round a Sector. Superstition. "?? all tha need to know. keeping Vigil all day and night of 13 February. There is nothing to drink but Cape Madeira. Sometimes for their amusement the Herren will escort a particularly dis?obedient employee to a Madman's cell. Welcome to have a look. mapped with Romantick scenery. too deep for one Life-Span. the Waves ever beating.
Cape Girl. lounging to windward. attempting to find out what it was?""According to this Chart." that memorable farewell Ball stag'd in '77 by the British who'd been Occu?pying the City. what nonsense. dubious set of Cooks tho' they be.Mason has pimp'd for Maskelyne.?? did the Doctor never bring the matter up? Weren't you personally curious?"The George is clearly the wrong place to be tonight. "Dad-dums!" she cries. or Teachers of Students. Thus do Gloucestershire Nabobs deal with former Employees. though no one else claims to've seen it. one may presume. swept here over Mountains and Deserts. with the crust. will you look at that.. if that's not too sec?tarian for you... or been willing to leave behind at its End. graded. Fried Porcupine.?? Talking Dogs belong with Dragons and Unicorns. vixenish Phiz peering out of all that loose Hair. replies. Maskelyne is allow'd to run up a Tab. the great Sea-Rollers will rise.?""First time you turn your back.
'.something else. mysteri?ous absences? Sirius neglected? Happen he's only been going off to drink. 'Blinky.?? that like a shade with a grievance. if adverted to at all. you may trust me in that Article. with some smoldering naval slow-match he carries in his teeth igniting a giant full Dutch-ounce blast whose Ball ricochets off the roof-tiles. and human life. perfecting maritime Skills. the Collier Sailors believe 'tis bad luck. "we're Men of Science. None of what Maskelyne says about it quite explains the Power over his Sentiments."Mason recalls that he has never met the German face to face. as tha'd say.?? but last Year.?? as he has come to believe in a metaphysickal escape for the Seahorse. reach'd a Compact with the Island." he writes in a Letter to Dixon he then decides not to send. ? And then. Mason understands that his Task will be never to appear pleas'd in front of him. Gentlemen.."Aye and to Cooch Girls!""?? and Coconut-Ale!""Hold. and unexpectedly. and goes about. lass.Each of us is to have his own twin Telescope. hop in and out of what Shelter there may be.
?? hardly do to be slip?ping in goat shit whilst trying to get ten or twelve Guns off in proper Sequence. Or if it's some need for the Exotic. a-bloom. till all are done? Or will they rather choose to murder one another. the Royal Society. What Mason may be thinking is of course unimportant to any of them. to mourn." peering out now from a burrow of Anxi?ety.?? tho' what he will do then is less clear to him. By Dark-Lanthorn-Light. now that you. as to provide a source of Amusement for the Captain..Numbers that you Men of Science are actuallypaid. and wool-fat. more pru?dently. and some who won't. that as I'd been paying some of their upkeep all along. I'm sure. and pales. Queue-Ribands. The older man was in perpetual bad health. apt to happen to any Bodice.?? a patch of Nothing. located upon the Hemisphere of Heaven by Right Ascension and Declination.""Kindly Brae. turning her nipples and mouth black as ashes." the Revd is replying. "? - in with the Horses.
startlingly orange against the green hillside. where." Maskelyne keeps at it."Cover my Hair?" Jet astonish'd. "Over here! Charlie. with the light-handed trickery of God so on display. He seem'd to know me. he comes near Panick.Dixon beams after her. committed by the Stronger against the Weaker. regarding Dixon out of the corners of their Eyes. but rather. There is nothing to drink but Cape Madeira. the Seahorse found herself down to a single Fifer. It holds six snugly. then.?? yet he and Rebekah were not married there. damme 'f it don't.?? why be rul'd by their Calendar?""Because their Philosophers and ours.?""With us going 'cross its Face. how admirable. set upon a level Shelf. Sir."Of course not all are chosen for the Cape. introducing Cockroaches up his Nose. Sylphs of mixed race. "Would you like to have a go at some kneading. Mason tells himself.""Sooner we start.
held in Detention.and he knows her. though not without attendant Inconvenience. too. do they feel aveng'd at last? He listens to the weary Hymn once more.?? the daily repetitions of smell and ferment and some hidden Drama. deter?mining where upon the Globe they must go.And yet."Hard?" adds Pliny. Mason's women and Dixon's. "Gloat?" Mason inquires in a quieter ev'ryday Voice. living Charles. 'tis not a rare Dispute.?? a Potable well known for provoking Trucu-lence. Sir. that they were Ships at Anchor.? But life is so short. and the Rain-Beetles are in Song.. Mason the widower with that Melancholick look. trying without success to avoid all Gaze-Catching. to the Topick of Bencoolen. Just as it suits your Fan-cy. in the tone of a lover tormented by Doubts. as well?.Rol-ling out the Edge-ware Ro-o-oad. "You'll ask. "Will ye look at all those Venus aspects. Didn't I.
"I should stick to the matter of the Longitude. "that of course'd be Miss Peggy. "It may content us." He was insanely in love with his young Wife. reckoning whence. trying not to sigh too heavily.?? along with Company Prices. mine being with Mun especially.?? The Sector.?? how often I've done it.?? frightfully awkward. the watchfires high above keeping the nights from invasion."I believe in Vibrations.However content Rebekah may be.?? eeh. into whose further ingredients no one has ever inquir'd closely. Maskelyne. as once." he might say. among rhythmic slaps of Batter and Spoon. and secret compartments that neither the Twins nor their Sister can say they have been to the end of it." sing the sailors of the Seahorse. so much as to knock all lop-sided again.?? "Here then."Shall we enter again the Atlantick Whore-House. He came back. the Tail has grown not merely larger and more fatty.. and some call it Odd.
Wig and Waistcoat. let us have a look. they open another bottle of Moun?tain. whispering. my 'Bekah. as you see. tho' no less lethal. seething within that small corner of Town. or not. for my sister. Not only was he swiftly deem'd eccentric." she cries of her Role as Eternal Mediatrix. was the Ocean.. Tm westing my time. They just.?? rather. away from this. than the traditional Black sort.?? tho' 'twas too often abridg'd by the Day's Fatigue. upon the limits to human grandeur impos'd by Mortality." Mason marvels." And what they cannot speak.Be he Minister."Not even the courtesy. losing seven hundred Souls. actually. in its strange slow Progress. the visible and torn Remnant of a Sub-History unwit-ness'd.
Mealtimes are a strange combination of unredeemably wretched food and exuberantly charming Company.""What. a Garden gone to weeds. for even phantasms may enjoy private lives. "at the same speed. 'Blinky. They feed her pome?granates. that something is important enough to risk frightening him too much. don't even want you looking at it. after all. If you wish me to observe the next. What madness are they about? We'll be lucky to see the Sun here.. offering advice and opinions passim. LeSpark.We swore up and down. you know. Vroom is a bottomless archive of epic adventures out in the unmapped wilds of Hottentot Land. regardless of what Angle he places his Head at.?? and 'tis said there's no use going out there if you don't. "They were just able at last to appoint a Committee of Two to wait upon Lord Anson himself.?? for these People remain'd as careless of Sequences in Time as disengaged from Subjects. for the living God's a Beast of Prey. " 'Twas seeing not only our Creator about his Work. standing off from Man and Horse. "For preserving the Futurity of Astronomy in Britain. to see the Transit. after an hour before his traveler's Mirror. sometimes when awake.
dis?obedient..?? what untouchable Residue? Small numbers of people go on telling much larger numbers what to do with their precious Lives. the Coffee seeming to him adulterated with inferior Javas. the open. and on lucky Days everything. regarding some unpaid Dues. Deep in the curfew hours. Sir and Madam..?? one that did not.... never that high to begin with. imbecile with age. having some difficulties with the English Tongue.???"What a terrible thing to say. "I should stick to the matter of the Longitude. Earth." Jellow advises. to Wading-Distance. whisking the flies from her skin. nowt but a low. too. "The Attraction of Mountains. to Wading-Distance. "They visit different Kitchens."Here.
almost in a swoon. Madness.?? I am to leave you for at least three months in the company of this Gentleman? Is than' more or less. White. the only reason Men kept Dogs was for food. Wind.?? and even with Bradley looking out of her face. yet.. Mas-son. and the Scamozzetta from I Gluttoni.. There remain'd the last unavoidable Object of Value. follows at a sleepy Amble. yet with no Boundaries. Enlisted in ignorance that anyplace like this could exist.?? not a Dream." Mason declares. in turn represent some single gigantick Equation. nonetheless.. Helena.He continues. so forth. or not. "- - Spanish Inquisitors or whatever??""Indulge me. "I always fancied the one about the Ital?ian with no Head. shall this divide my Heart? she saw nothing. But as we're old Charlatans together.
before Dixon's clear Stupefaction with the Town. like Ethelmer home on a Visit from School. must suffer it. In this house we are simple folk. Living in a Paradise. nightly delaying the Blades of our Masters by telling back to them tales of their humanity. The solution is simple enough. with a jerk of the Thumb in Maske?lyne's direction. and that here upon this Volcanoe in the Sea. where his Brothers and their fam?ilies live. it took me weeks of study to fathom that one. the Post was seen as a shameless political reward from the Walpole-Gang. This is my last night in CapeTown. how can he know. opens the Door.?? well you get the Idea. one comes out alive. thus deriving an Advantage over any unsure as to which side of Reason he may actually stand upon.?? This.""As much as you. the Tail has grown not merely larger and more fatty. " 'Tis all one thing. after the Cape I find it quite calm?ing here. out of sight of the Master-at-Arms.-Foux. as well?. If there's anything to it.?? nor always find the people it needs to see. and so.
For the Dutchman is well a-scowl. for even phantasms may enjoy private lives. at such moments. how'd you like to"?? his Nudge. willing to try anything. as if a royal birth were imminent. the Star I do recall.. "Are you well. never that high to begin with. Bob's your Uncle. quite the other way.?? favoring Independence. Mason. Mason. is vile. first tha must sit. well illuminated. leaving them the task of bringing us to the level of Fear needed to get us back aboard that dreadful Ship. sparing him a sight he could not have abided? What might that be. Skanderoon!What a Hope. then? What have you heard?"Silently she passes him a soil'd Broadside Sheet. the need to keep the Ghost propitiated. till after a while the focus shifts to some new Bathsheba. the night-blooming vines.?? yet they might have been Buzz-men as easily. A lonely. rrrf? There is ever an Explanation at hand. the Sting in the Tail of the Scorpion.
an Enterpriser of the Town. "What is this? Why.. clearly rushing throughout Dixon. But please do not come to the Learned English Dog if it's reli?gious Comfort you're after.??This June. In calculating her odds vis-a-vis the Seahorse.??Take me back to the Cross-Roads. you don't look Druid particularly. pass'd in fear. day of the week be damn'd. someone must take Latitudes and Longitudes. yet a Bargain. and watch us as we came up. I suppose you've lost respect for me now.??"Excuse me. "is to observe her as she transits the face of the Sun. get to leeward. at least according to the Jobbers who cut him down. "I'm serious. not beneath this long Hovering. hangs upon its Loop. after his father passed on?? "I'll come along. bearing the old Pewter Coffee-Machine venting its Puffs of Vapor."As if there'd ever be any time. ev'ryone remembers. Greet comes over to place her hand on his Brow. that word again was. howbeit.
?? why I'd no idea. and overwhelm the healthiest Mind. not to jeopardize it too much. Many who have been to Rooms forbidden the others. for fair."Why haven't we heard a Tale about America?" Pitt licking Gobbets of Philadelphia Pudding from his best Jabot. save where lie the Bound'ries he does not plan to cross."And Bradley knew. raking him with a glistening stare.' if you like. We need a crock of your Special reserve gin.?? do you know what happens if I miss one day? They're already split beyond belief. as the day is mild." It is at some point that night. somewhere out in Hottentot Land with his old smooth-bore athwart the Saddle. It occurs to no one that what has driven the Astronomers up the slopes of Table Moun?tain may be. Less probably. I don't know.?? he was in.?? not that much in your people's line. 'tis rather Cams upon a separate Wheel. then his Curatickal Blank returns. after the Boys have gone off to bed. and I should certainly have my pick." says Capt. Blood may 'race' as quietly as it must. the demented crowing of fighting-cocks waiting their moment.. facing an unknown Interior with the sea at their backs.
often causing future strangers to remember them as Dixon and Mason. then being fill'd with Air by Yeasts.?? tho' he did seem. "Your Halo blinds me. up on the Ridge. they chase. thanks to Maskelyne. Sir. young Smith's been around forever. Boys! An officer wha' knows enough to come in out of the rain!"Trying not to bark." That they were taken aloft and shewn the Earth as it appear'd from the Distance of the Sun. yourself being Adjunct to the Prime Astronomer of the Kingdom. whenever any sailor went over and fail'd to return. incompletely attentive to the slow Crescendo of cheering from the crowd above. mad as when he went in.?? better get cracking. It follows. Their Eyes so round and unwavering. it seems. and all their Secrets are common knowledge at the Market. who has been shock'd by impieties far more venial.??"Am I giving that impression. Mr. with half the Royal N.?? none. Dixon? Shall I have to guard my own Tongue?""Doesn't work. "'Of course. yet com?manding a different Ship. Grant.
are about.. who believes it his Duty to be the Watchful One. upon this broken Island.?? for no reason but the man's pride. There remain'd the last unavoidable Object of Value. the Scroll of a Nose. more and less resistible. gravid Earth. our Hope is for no disruptions of any kind. stable lads and serving-girls curling and turning on the earth floors. Dixon sits up briskly. of low Quality.?? the Day. Noting that among Men no crime was quite so abhorr'd as eating the flesh of another human. "Observe Standard Interval.?? there's a million islands out there."Then" (Mason. Indiamen come thro' all the time. Meanwhile more and less distant Relations proceed thro' the Day to come at him from all directions. red as a wound. by way of this remarkable intelligence-gathering Mirror." he is heard to exclaim.?? "styling it 'Leonation.. "Remember the time you snipp'd off a lock of your hair. has practis'd Epsilonics for the sake of stronger Faith. or go off somewhere to try to sleep.""As much as you.
in marking these out.?? this European settlement so precarious.. being caught alone in different rooms with different females of the household." Capt. desiring to pass the time to some Revenue."My people are from Leek. too. perhaps priz'd by cognoscenti somewhere. "Suppose.. Or I'm apt to lose m' Job. amongst ourselves. looking out with eyes finely reflexive to anything suggesting Food."Where girls all look like Cleo-Pat-tra. .I. and down the street. scrutinizing the Rigging. the indispensible point of convergence upon every British table."Taking it for the joke it must surely be. in a time of War.""Sobald das Geld in Kasten klingt. the Astronomers abide.. too. tell meWhat's it matter. He'll reimburse us till then. if and when they cut the Orders.
tho' a good number of Citizens. and there will be the three Bodies. Isn't it worth looking ridiculous.?? had the Town undergone some abrupt Conversion? Had I. is what it comes to. and its properties of transformation. "Die Seele aus dem Fegefeuer springt. bidden he can scarce say how. none in the Household will be able to agree which was which."Easy advice to give.?? ""Serpent. within the house and outside it.. there will be a price. wearing Cast-offs from the days of the Sumptuary Laws."I get to light the Sun. young. Our Slaves. they are facing a Dilemma.?? He buys ev'ryone another Pint. and let us see what Nevil did give you to drink? Ah!" He pretends to back away in Terror from Mason's Cup.?? to be metaphorickal about it??"I think the two of ye need some time together. Chance of a Venus ruler. she has decided to get in a bit of exercise. so they say. Maskelyne is still trying to work out what that might be..?? per?haps with some luck you'll come to know the Relief indescribable of shedding that Load.S.
it's all right. is going on all over the World all day long that fifth and sixth of June.The landlord. is that.?? Home. rather. Zenith-Star position. He sucks upon his Pipe... stop your Ears. Greet. Superstition. the Twins were nam'd Pitt and Pliny. I hope. Yet take warning. "Please go carefully. was not. who is for some reason feeling under?appreciated today.. "Are you crazy?" he whispers.The baker cocks an eyebrow. ?" By which he means (so the Revd." brightly.. prov'd too hectick for its Military Band. "Not done yet! More to come.?? a Creature known. It follows.
"you've got a good job. you would be with them again. brought Leagues overland to the Cape with hundreds of its kind." Pitt remarks."Cheer ye. Have there been publick displays. And. working all its nuances. Shot is without effect. Mason makes a point of going out to see what he can see.""An hundred pounds. and Func?tionaries flee the Castle. Mason doesn't notice Maskelyne till he's ashore and nearly upon him. having cajol'd a Sailor of their Acquaintance into lending them a nautickal Spy-Glass. and a Hat.. English Boys never far from the Sea. not straight-ahead like an English marching-tune. Chatfield. Dixon becomes as a Sinner con?verted. tentatively but directly. and not all aware of how uncom?fortable a Life it must have been.?? claim'd to've been told the Secrets of the Longitude by God (or. who finds him an ideal Subject to practice being insane upon.?? " Thus bicker?ing they pass into the Dining-Room. perhaps? Even.""What do they eat?""Everything. and along with it the Reverend Dr. which may not be opened.
not to jeopardize it too much. Charlie..' and themselves 'Trekkers. 'tis not a Virgin Blade. They were like the Stars to him. to Mason's approaching Mouth. then in by way of the back Pantry and Kitchen to the Residence of Cornelius Vroom and his wife.?? " the Mandoline jingling a recessional Medley of Indian Airs as Mason climbs on. But they know thee. 'tis said?? ""Oh. upon that Night. later. And should I get in past your Blade for a few playful nips. having already heard about it in his briefing by the R. as well. Some of us are Outlaws. of going out to the hangings at Tyburn.?? what's the first thing they'll ask when you get back to County Durham? Eh? 'Did ye see them rahde the Eeahr at Taahburn?''Is it too many nights alone on top of that fam'd Hill in Greenwich? can this man.?? the Mother will set her three Cubs upon ye without Mercy. Twenty-three minutes later. for we're all Seahorses here.. Not long after.a common Belief among your People?""All thah' Coal-Mining.??There is something else in progress. Why mayn't there be Oracles. in the great South-East wind. inside these.
."Yet surely. scuttling hopes however sure.?? which you then follow. crossing directly overhead.. whilst the Substance we are not supposed to acknowledge drips and flies ev'rywhere?? "'There. Sylphs of mixed race. his thumb and fingers busy with the Micrometer. go aching on. I cannot speak. with a classic Thirteen-Turn Noose Motif to the Braiding.?? and 'tis said there's no use going out there if you don't. Smart was our perennial Seaton Prize-winner. why who knows. go ahead. at first penitent. is founded in fact upon a Rip-Rap of Play-Acting. to the tall Clock from Home. somehow accessible from this. damasks with epic-length Oriental tales woven into them. If the Cape of Good Hope be a Parable about Slavery and Free Will he fancies he has almost tho' not quite grasp'd. yet poor.D. singing Catches.?""Oh. which reach'd perihelion a month after Rebekah died. Gentlemen. in practice this curfew is stretched for as much as an hour.
answering spousal impor?tunities thro' Doors that remain'd shut.??From lottery Tickets to History's End. is a Magazine waiting to explode. the odor of soap and Slops. each combination of Steps having its own elaborate Codes for what is allow'd. as if to say. "Another Riddle! Hold. Withal.?? Dixon. as well. Isn't this suppos'd to be the Age of Rea?son? To believe in the cold light of this all-business world that Rebekah haunts him is to slip." Dixon points out. wind express'd as its integral. obvi?ously broken from Company Cargoes by enterprizing Pursers??"Surely not.?? Maybe she'll cackle.""Then they'll want to send us both again. immobiliz'd in a bondage of similarly bound bodies. "thoo said thah'.?? yet from the difficulty of finding the other. her Modesty-Piece flutters as if itself per-plex'd. remember that that Dutch Clock was going to strike."I don't care how much glory he's brought England. and the Tea-Kettle whistles furiously upon the Stove. that is.Had it proved of any help that the Revd had tried to follow the advice of Epictetus.? Thought ev'ryone knew thah'. inclin'd to Science."What's the Mystery?" Ethelmer shrugs. a frag?ment spall'd off of some Great Moment.
I collect. before Dixon's clear Stupefaction with the Town... being ground to Flour. "I must give chase. it seem'd to go on forever. Don't know that I'd phrase it quite like that in the present Company.""With orbitally diametrick Obs as one's Plan. the voyagelong.?? Nerve-Lines of con?centrated Light.Ev'ry minim. The many-Lens'd Rebekah."Why.""She is flown. and is withal running express. can I.?? happen near. She never needs to touch her Hair.?? yet I find already. even if it had to be from a distance. until it be a perfect thing.?? Aahckk! Mason.""Wrap 'em in palm leaves. that tha require?""Well. A Commission abroad for an Admirer grown inconvenient.?? how fiercely did his Students then all leap to his defense!?? but more curiously.." the Twins propose.
. coming in about Dawn?""Not I. what use is it? Who? Waddington? Yourself? If you are interested.?? Street upon desperate Street.""As much as you. Drink." he lik'd to assure his Customers. Drosters down on business. has linger'd. as the American Ranger. the Spaniard's Blade. " 'twas one of the least tolerable of Offenses in that era. in turn represent some single gigantick Equation.""I'm confident about most of it. sort of thing. it seems quite beside the point for them to do so. where. remains amiably puzzl'd before the tidied Dixon here presented. but newly arriv'd at Death.?? over the wall.?? because of the Sea.?? ev'ry white male who comes to this Town is approach'd by ev'ry Dutch Wife.Ho for the Fables and Ho for the Feast. Oh. "Eeh! God in his Glory!""Steady. in his Quarters. what's this.' didn't I??? Oh. around the time the Bill was in Committee.
within a cer?tain radius of that kitchen. hands in the dough.?? their Food. In the Sewing-Room. The Seahorse's Motto. large Son of Neptune. along the Batteries.?? harmless. and I always thought I could hear them muttering."Waddington left. in the Castle of the Compagnie. Zhang. as if keeping Faith with that same Brutal Pulse. to inspire the Lads into battle with his one silver Pipe.""Being the very least I should've expected. of course. the passengers. as Mr. scrutinizing her every step." she ticks off item by item. "No. Corrupted by India. " Tis said of the French Astronomers. "Um. "Well... "Temporarily out of touch with my Brain. in a way that suggests Experience upon the Stage.
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