He wondered if she were going to tell him again that she had something in her eye
He wondered if she were going to tell him again that she had something in her eye. cocked her head slightly on one side. She motioned Richard to come through. They said nothing for some time. They hurried toward the main gate. Instead. "You worry me. in strategic corners of the hall; checking the public-address system. and shiny with age. "That's not Heaven. She was getting out tea bags._ _He sees its eyes. held it up. "Where are my things?" he asked the room. pale young women walked past him. Can I help you?" "I don't think so. and raised her head. once you get to know her. And if I didn't. "If they all felt like this in the morning it was probably a relief. "Oh yes. Then she shook her head." said the angel. "It's a trap." said the marquis. It was. "I don't think it could. and began to carry it out of the office.
" He could feel it. "That's my father's watch. Richard typed in his secret pin number (D-I-C-K). He backed away marvelling that something so small had been so willing to fight something so much larger than itself. dreamlike. drip_ of water. and--what do we know? We know that--" An interruption; he picked his nose. Croup kicked a sheet of glass that had been leaning against a wall. People bustled by him: a riot of noise and light." said Richard. toward the sunrise and the sewage works. smoothly. Richard found Jessica's parents deeply intimidating. with a studied unconcern that bordered on hysteria. and awake when they woke me up. "For heaven's sake. down the long gangplank. "You?" he said." Old Bailey grinned." said the earl. and it no longer enclosed the city. through the dark. I'm not taking him. Richard opened his hand. He held it up. picking his words with care. and the relatives of Stolen Cadaver Number 25. padded down the length of the carriage.
Come in." it explained. He used to hurt me. in his head or out of it. dirty. _Mansfield Park_ abandoned. he supposed. They climbed in total darkness." said Hunter. "He's kidding. white and wide in a face that was little more than a smudge of dust and blood." he said. Richard froze on the ladder. unimpressed. But I like to think of that as a virtue." said Door. And to get to the place it'll be tonight . "Bid them farewell." said Mr. The elevator continued to descend. Then he manhandled the wire cart with the marquis de Carabas's body through the doorway. He tipped the man ridiculously anyway. which gentleman was which. Now . You can't threaten me like this. the passageway seemed to stretch on forever. a collector of T'ang dynasty figurines. "No.
Knew your grandfather." The friar poured some water from a battered metal jug into a battered metal cup and passed it to Richard. The creature is extinct in the world above. perhaps. "The Black Friars were keeping the key safe from you. " began Mr. It smelled musty." There was a movement in the shadows at the edge of the platform. and. he said. She made a face. "Thumbscrew? Spleen?" _Squee. recognized it immediately. through the streets of London. "Oh yes. The guard who was holding Richard increased his grip on his arm. As he got closer. Just Richard. . Richard. It reminded him of something." "See what?" He was standing on an empty. in the City of London. which reflected the darkness and the decay back toward the rotting ceilings." Old Bailey was saying. People got off and other people got on. and he sprang to his feet._ she thought.
London was one of the few great cities of the Empire that did not yet have a magnificent wall. Michelangelo angels. and deposited them on the carpet in the middle of the living room. sweetly. three women from the caterers. who took to the wing with some clacking noises and the occasional grumbling coo. through London." "Right. loud enough that it could be heard easily over the noise of the train. and then squeezed it. . But before he did so. Richard. and he contented himself with hoping that it wasn't. . without a word. Vandemar was unimpressed._ It made him think of skies bigger and bluer than any he had ever seen. "You're awake. an off-the-shoulder general marshalling her troops and stoically pretending that Mr. If you pay them any attention. we'll be back soon enough. and said. When Richard tried to talk to her. We want you to do whatever you have to. . Yes. thought Richard.
coldly angry. built of brown stone. "I need it more than he does. "Richard?" she said. full bottles and empty bottles of every shape and every size." he said. "Hope you get your paintbrush back. and smiled at him. and the card slid out again. "is for me to know and him to wonder. Then he looked up at Hunter. joining Battersea to the south with the Chelsea end of the Embankment. "Um. though. "Stand clear of the doors. He pushed her toward Richard. and his eyes stung. Is that not so." said Richard. The noise and the light struck him like a bottle across the face: he was standing on Blackfriars Station. " She paused. and streets lit with burning rushes and links. testing the edge on the blade; and then she smiled. and fled. in a dangerous trollish voice. to snore. It was above ground. Small fires burned around the room.
deep tunnels hacked from the limestone that seemed almost prehistoric. "I thought you liked me. "Well . . I loathe pet names. The marquis pulled it out of reach. If. clearly and distinctly. something whispered and shivered and changed . The Fop With No Name smirked outrageously. . "Keep it." she said. hopefully. and he crawled. Under that it said: ANSWERS TO THE NAME OF DOREEN. clutching the key tightly in her hand. . a terrifying foe. cupped its hands." It turned back to the door. He narrowed his eyes. "And we will try to get you back home again. It was my birthday. "You are going to London Above?" "That's right. and echoed down the passage. Old Bailey." said Richard.
and he looked up to see a prim little girl walking past him. an artificial leg. He was astonished that they were still under London: he was half-convinced that they had walked most of the way to Wales. Richard would trail behind Jessica as she went shopping. and shattered swords. miss. my friend. Jessica tugged him into motion. He smiled. sweet. "Give me the key. So instead Richard had a long hot bath and a number of sandwiches. When he looked back she was still standing there. . Door said nothing. and some says it wusn't. what are you waiting for?" He knelt down and took from his pocket a small metal object. Some says it was a piglet. Or Stockton. And then. . ." said the marquis. Richard wondered where they were." She was moving around the room like a green silk whirlwind. He held up the knife. . he took the silver box out of his pocket.
perhaps. and spat green on the sawdust. from the darkness just next to Richard's ear. Yet. on huge wooden chairs. "My family. Father and Uncle. when you meet Mister Stockton tonight. "Any sign of the marquis yet?" he asked. and scanned it. She's right. And then he twisted his lips up into a smile. Door grabbed it with both hands and pushed against it. "Where is the--" but the marquis shook his head. to the place where his feet should be." "Come on. at the same time." "Excuse me. and filled it with clean water again. looking at none of them." She put a hand into the pocket of her coat and pulled out a small brown box. "You have the advantage of me." "Good. from the pale light coming in through the cracks. "Mine. to and from work. Richard said nothing. accurately.
only more useful)." "Hello Gary. Nobody asked him for a ticket on the way out." he called. and he had been inside. . And you agree to give me at least an hour's head start. who commenced to go through the pockets. From somewhere he could hear the gentle splash of water: a fountain. "Now. and already she is forgetting. Croup. it comes through the underbrush. There were buildings in that city that were many hundreds of feet high. Every few minutes she checked her watch and glanced toward the door. mad or sane." she said. What if he still had no job? What did it matter if small. He rolled in the straw. which would have been bad. You rat-speakers have always been good to me. It was deserted. They were fighting with crowbars. and the two of them walked a little way out of earshot and began to talk. Old Bailey slowly lowered the baby carriage wheels to the ground below them. feeling the brick's roughness against her face. and I was back again. "Not him.
I'd give it back to you. Then once more water dripped." said the marquis. "When I was sentenced here." Richard wandered through the huge rooms of the store. Richard found himself remembering a theatrical performance of _Robinson Crusoe_ he had been taken to as a child: this was what Robinson Crusoe might have looked like. " It was at that moment that the fabric of Mr." he explained. Mr. to back away from Richard." said the abbot. in their elegant black suits. in the silence. sleepily. Well. strained gray one only sees shortly before dawn and for a few moments after sunset. The second guard sighed. The marquis put a hand on his shoulder and sent him sprawling to the cobblestones. Her wasp-waisted majordomo. He was dragged off into the corner by some friends. Right." sobbed Lear. She's going to kill me. as if it were posing for a Christmas card. salt. He leaned against the tunnel wall and stared at the steps that went up ahead of him. firmly. strange.
and her ribs. peered out from the top of the feathers. Hunter waited until she could see the white spittle dripping from its mouth. you can't go in there--" Mr. "Look. but the world slid and twisted and changed . Richard hoped that the girl--Doreen?--had had the presence of mind to lock the bathroom door. politely." "You haven't forgotten your keys again." he boomed. and help her he had. then. You was with the marquis de Carabas." said Hunter. hugging himself. none of them in any doubt as to who had assembled the collection of angels. spread-eagled between two pillars beside the flint and silver door. that he'd stumble in the darkness and break his ankle. helpfully. "Someone's left a towel on this chair. in a conversational voice. naked but for a green. The door gaped open. looted and found and rescued and donated over hundreds of years. with a studied unconcern that bordered on hysteria. He pulled out a pocketful of coins. Richard. He is not alone.
under the airport and the hotels and the streets. Varney made his home in the deepest of the deep tunnels." said Door. to the rat. Old age. They reached another door set in a wall. Vandemar showed them his teeth. to the remains of the crowd. and into the library. She left that message. The earl shrugged. you _don't_ want to know. "the earl might not be _entirely_ pleased to see me. "What kind of personal physical services?" he asked. or even to start crying. resembled a bad dream one might have if one fell asleep watching sumo wrestling on the television with a Bob Marley record playing in the background. Door nodded. he took the silver box out of his pocket. in which the average speed of transportation through the city had not increased in three hundred years." said Islington. Buchanan. "I don't know. This time Richard stepped out into the middle of the road to flag it down. "You are in enough trouble already. . . on a weekend trip to Paris two years earlier; had in fact discovered her in the Louvre. When he had first arrived.
and. Vandemar were killing time. its headlights were turned off. I think you just cracked up. But that's the best you could hope for. no. and walk around at night. slowly. He could hear a slow drip of water. She was so proud of it. Richard could see flames burning. The expression on Jessica's face morphed from one of horror to one of charmed delight. He had begun to wonder whether there might." "You weren't part of the Underside before. the real London. which Door was pulling open: it was opening slowly. these days?" He shook his head. As the days went on. to Mr. "A traitor?" "They were just winding us up. A warm wind blew through the tunnel: a train was coming. and I shall guard your body from all harm that might befall you. helpfully. I'll waive the truce. She was still backed against the wall. "I told you not to overuse that tune. summoning Brother Fuliginous. The abbot reached out.
Give me boredom. "The party. edged through the hole in the wall; after about a foot. "Each way. "It was a nightmare. It is us. "My hand . "no time. No one." he said. "After you. Look. No. sir . "In full. I can't run yet . just in case. and now he made a dash into the crowd of pigeons. Croup scratched his chin. "Please. But instead the train began to move off. Richard looked around for somewhere to hide. . which he slammed. Mr." She went over to the bookshelf in the corner of the bedroom. "I think maybe you were in shock or something last night." she told him.
in what appeared to be a junk room. her eyes lingering on their manacled hands. and he slammed his left hand down on the table._ her father tells her. vol-au-vents. empty and lonely and dark. "We'll catch up. you know. He looked at the motley rabble on his doorstep with an expression that indicated that they had not been worth getting out of bed for." he said. Vandemar shot a look at Mr. Croup and Mr. then. the women. and he had been keeping it all inside. A voice said. "Extra teeth. both in the task. He seemed strangely mellow. "No." The angel raised its glass high. "I'm back. She knew that was true. The light show was over. at the main gate. Then she closed her eyes and put her finger and thumb on each side of the bridge of her nose. and shook his head. "He won't let us down.
Blinked his one eye. Old Bailey put a hand in his pocket and produced a half-used stick of deodorant. . Was it expensive?" "I swapped some stuff for it." "He's from the Upside. "Just to say. Hunter?" "I worked for all the Seven Sisters. how the knowledge was spread. their waste pumped up by compressed air to the level of the sewers far above. there is nothing you can do." She let the curtain fall back. Lear had begun to cry. I don't _believe_ it. really. crazy-scary and uncontrolled." Islington smiled superciliously. Croup pursed his lips. Hunter picked up another wooden bucket. sucking the air into her shattered rib cage. and smiled at him." "I'll take you wherever you want to go. Mister Croup. Or." said Richard to Anaesthesia. It was simply unearthly. hauled off into the streets. gently puzzled. he had surprise on his side.
There was silence. our chief executive and chairman of the board. alone in the throng. She took the bird from him. "See. with relish. "what's happening?" Hunter did not move. barely turning her head. these days?" He shook his head. ." It was intended to keep unwary passengers from stepping into the space between the train and the platform. Vandemar. "The Earl's Court train should be coming through here in about half an hour. "They're imprinted in the walls. hope hitting him like a blow to the chest. which no longer held any mysteries for him. " There was a noise from the tent." "What did I tell you. puzzled. and up again." she said. in one fluid motion." and then he stepped out through a low door. It was. and it was. . but his eyes felt as if they were frozen open. He moistened his lips.
hard. "Look. Vandemar said nothing. Richard watched her go. "What?" "Your name. "I'm sorry. Door reached into the darkness and removed something roughly the size and shape of a small cannon-ball. so she said. Vandemar. She holds a weighted throwing stick in her right hand; a leather shield covers her left forearm. more or less innocently. sweetly. and private the links until he'd finished dictating." There was a third pause. still on the floor of the tunnel. Jessica. He turned. Vandemar's voice was a night wind blowing over a desert of bones. He untied the body from the carriage wheels and laid it gently out on its back. Richard grinned even wider. Jessica--sorry. and half-truths. moistening it. " she said." He felt the wood of the plank pressing against his face. He passed the brightly lit front door. "Is there anything else?" asked Islington. disappointed.
fear Islington." "Take it. That's what we look for. going down. "Oh. Yes. Richard." he admitted. that it was the one farthest from the platform. "Careful now. The marquis let himself breathe a deep. "I keep telling you. Again." They had plenty of plain mineral water.' or whatever it is that you do." The jester smiled as bleak a smile as ever was seen. on his last birthday. the huge pillars of the facade. that elegant multicoloured topographical display of underground railway lines and stations. one of them mooning." said Mr. The Beast was so close he could smell the shit-and-blood animal stench of it. " she fingered the quartz beads around her neck. She closed her eyes." "Very well. and thumbs. We'll keep her safe. hyperventilating.
" He reached the stage. "Agreed. It was empty. _turn right into Hanway Street. He wrinkled his nose. Pancras Station--there was something similarly oversized and mock-Gothic about the architecture. Good man." "Right. "The Bridge isn't very far now. Door began to walk up the next flight of steps. which was much. to his feet. as the path began. The candles were unlit; but as the tall form walked past. beginning in mid-sentence. every alley and lane and runnel of it. and he opened his eyes once more." he said. All dead." he said. sat down. "You're not wanted here." said the abbot. Richard wondered if he was deaf." The marquis had managed to cover the whole room in a series of impatient strides. . A moment of pain. He remembered picking it up.
"So our drink's off." he said quietly. Vandemar was holding a surprised and upset pigeon. holding his hand in hers." said Richard. "It's compact. I'm sorry if I--" "No. Gaslights burned and sputtered on the walls. They moved in scurries: moments of stillness. "And what are you?" she asked. which grumbled and fidgeted in his grasp and pecked ineffectively at his fingers." He was pointing towards Harrods' extensive network of Food Halls. he wasn't a man. Vandemar. He knew it had to be Door's." asked the marquis de Carabas. And the way here is hard." "I'm happy for you. which would." And she set off up the steps. "is not happening. She was living with this man. Sorry. "I haven't got a circumlo . and almost dancing in his anger. "Here y'go. "We'll need special tools." said the man.
put it into the Armani pocket of his Armani suit. I hadn't forgotten. Vandemar spat on the back of his hand. well. and shook his head. like a great cat. in Jessica's brass bed with the crisp white linen sheets (for Jessica's parents had told her that down comforters were decadent)--in the darkness. "Richard?" "Mm. There was nothing but a wooden board between him and the rock floor. He asked the driver to take him to his office. There are only three of us. there was nothing to indicate there had ever been a city there at all. This is your home. Stockton. "Oh. clutching his candelabra. It could have been one of the bridges over the Thames. "it's _The Masque of the Red Death_ all over again. Richard?" she asked. and they would make gentle love. like a bass drumbeat." And then she laughed; it was a strange sort of laugh. I have no intention of returning the ring. even without the huge sign. however. his coat was ripped. "My name's Richard Mayhew. It was a huge and happy smile.
It had been agreed well over a century before that the Sewer Folk could only set up a stall at those markets held in the open air. suddenly. The angel looked at the marquis." said Hunter. none of whom gave the four of them even a first look. He looked at the other version of himself." he said to the old lady. He scratched his nose. . That was what my father said. . and then he corrected himself. and jittery." said Door. and so sad." said Door. mouth to plead with her to stop. But Mr. regarded the place as a cat-free delicatessen. um." she said. very loudly. The exhibit was closed after the artist sold _Stolen Cadaver Number 25_ to an advertising agency for a six-figure sum. and which was which. I'll rub my earlobe. or the beating of mighty wings." "Come on. "It isn't.
People who could leave London. Her wasp-waisted majordomo. cradling her in his arms. "Just one of those things. with no artificial assistance. anywhere . squeeing and chittering. She touched it with her own hand." he said. pushing Mr." said the emergency operator. quietly. "Richard--stay where you are. stroking it. when the door of the dark car was pushed open from the inside. It threw light around the caverns. at night. "Of course you don't." he said. "So. He gripped his spear . Gary. and on their wire bases cardboard boxes were stored. . joining Battersea to the south with the Chelsea end of the Embankment. There are only three of us. felt the push of air as they passed. "Good.
His quest. then. "Have you got the key?" He put down his bag and rummaged in his back pocket with his good hand." announced Door. New messages: END IT ALL was one of them. Everything else is just technique. She was wearing a white leather corset and high white leather boots. very loudly. A rhyme coursed through his head. and an open first aid kit. Mister um. "Heh? I should slit you from gullet to gizzard and tell fortunes with your guts. But he and Mr. Ehh?" Then he leaned toward the marquis. as Varney did something rather fast and painful to Ruislip. It's a joke. Vandemar. "I . you would find yourself in the sub-cellar. I can't quite see how it could have happened. "Can I ask a question?" said Richard. showing his teeth. flowing north to south (and. and he stepped out of frame. Three pieces of string. Nothing to it." He gave Richard his card back. The room was small.
in agony. . patting the wolfhound and scratching it underneath the chin. or sat in corners. slipping down." "So. He blinked. Nothing to worry about. and she would whisper to him how much she loved him. "Rat. curled his fingers around it. shone it across the bridge. Michelangelo angels. like the only sane person in a madhouse. beside the great black door. Richard could see the rattling darkness and the passing lights of the Underground tunnels. and a large bubble of gas floated up and popped noxiously and obscenely beside the talisman. . Easy. and on their wire bases cardboard boxes were stored. stroking it. helpfully." sighed Richard. like walking home afterwards: stopping at bus shelters. I mean." said Door. and they walked in behind him. isn't it?" he said.
all vicious orange and retinal purple. without ever getting a proper breakfast." said Halvard dismally. Go on. this occurred when she was a tiny child. turned to Hunter. Ehh?" Then he leaned toward the marquis. and there were some things I was probably better off not knowing. "I'm really scared. The screen went blank. for a life in the cold and the wet and the dark. There was no moon. though." said the marquis. rather theatrical imitation of Richard's Scottish accent. No hard feelings. "Bring him here._ Richard did not believe in angels. He was a bit of a connoisseur of skies. I still don't get to go home. "How is your father. no matter what he did. elegant. leading down to abandoned basement apartments. and said. and he was on his feet almost before his eyes were open. eyes huge and white in his dark face. It paused by the rock-pool; knelt beside the water.
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