Why didnt we see the post when we came down Passini asked
Why didnt we see the post when we came down Passini asked. I must write some letters. said the major.Some of the officers went alone. At the foot of the bed was my flat trunk.Do you think it would be any good to try and see her tomorrowYes. He looked at me. The British had come with three ambulances and they had two men on each ambulance.You dont wear himNo. on the street.But now we will shut up. Now I must go back to sleep to be fresh and beautiful for Miss Barkley. Tenente. All the drivers wore puttees but Passini had only one leg.
In the late summer of that year we lived in a house in a village that looked across the river and the plain to the mountains. be selected by the infantry but we were supposed to work it out. Now Ill probe for some of this if you like but its not necessary. Nothing. My father is a famous hunter. Aldo. Oh you should see what I did in the removal of three metres of small intestine and better now than ever. Look at your valorous conduct in asking to go always to the first line.I have brought him in. I dont go there any more. baby. Id be glad to kiss you if you dont mind. Middle name First name Rank Where born What class What corps and so on. We will convert him.
I am now in love with Miss Barkley. The lieutenant said I slipped the truss on purpose.Dont bring Caruso. sometimes it backed on a turn. But they are still fools. I kissed both her shut eyes. went on the captain. I am just more affectionate.Then well have to work. One leg was gone and the other was held by tendons and part of the trouser and the stump twitched and jerked as though it were not connected. Rinaldi said that the French had mutinied and troops marched on Paris. There is good hunting. The sun was going down and the day was cooling off. I said.
Oh you should see what I did in the removal of three metres of small intestine and better now than ever. We wont drop you again. Evviva lesercito.Of course they do. holding their chins close over the basin. the major said. Here they would never have arrested him. They were sitting in the dugout talking and when I came in they stopped. Look at your valorous conduct in asking to go always to the first line. and tenentecolonello (the little finger). He said there was so much dirt blown into the wound that there had not been much hemorrhage.One of those shot by the carabinieri is from my town.They may crack. yes.
she said. he said. British ambulance drivers were killed sometimes.No. As soon as I get the papers on these wounded Ill take you along the road and drop you with your medical officers. She came back from wherever she had been. he said. TenenteYoure damned right.Loan me fifty lire. the light came out and he went in. He was walking with a limp.Porta feriti I shouted holding my hands cupped. the smooth functioning of the business of removing wounded and sick from the dressing stations. Get well soon.
I drank the cognac and felt it warm all the way down. I must go.Leave him alone. This was a game.That doesnt matter. I have to go. yes. I said. The others listened. the light came out and he went in. They all ask for you. I saw he wore gloves. all of myself.Not even for the beautiful languageNo.
Signor Tenente. there was snow on the guns and there were paths in the snow going back to the latrines behind trenches.No. she said. But they say a Saint Anthonys very useful. I liked to watch her move. crossing out everything except. The frescoes were not bad. I said. I knew.It was because we were scared.Oh.SeeI put my Saint Anthony back in the capsule. We crossed the brickyard.
What is there to eatWe have a little pasta asciutta. the lieutenant said. This machine is no good but the others march.Youre a nice boy.I was going to cut it all off when he died. Some bersaglieri. she said. Ireland of Wisconsin. But if you have had it you know. NapoliThats enough.Thats nothing. I could not see the guns but they were evidently firing directly over us. the major said. Shes a nurse.
in the infantry. I remember having a silly idea he might come to the hospital where I was.They have big Skoda guns. No.You couldnt have sent me a noteNo. There was another stretcher by the side with a man on it whose nose I could see.No Yes. Im sorry for your head. a hard bright burst and flash and then gray smoke that blew across the road. Why do you get yourself woundedYou can make fun of the priest. Signor Tenente. I said. father. she said.
undid my tunic and tried to rip the tail of my shirt. You must forgive me for talking so much.Truly I tell you something about your good women. Will you have a cigaretteThanks.It is a filthy and vile book. It was quite evident he had stolen the bonds. She stood up and put out her hand. the captain said looking at the priest and at me. Stretcher bearers came in all the time. Signor Tenente. Uninformed.It starts now. You may come and see her after seven oclock if you wish. then from all the guns behind us the bombardment started.
How do you do Miss Barkley said. the trees along the road had small leaves and a breeze came from the sea.Youre an orator. Perhaps. the camion stopped a little off the road.Ah. With a sabre cut. said the major. I said.There were small gray motor cars that passed going very fast usually there was an officer on the seat with the driver and more officers in the back seat. he said. They told me you were on duty.I stopped in front of the Villa Rossa. They carried wounded in and brought them out.
Anybody may crack. He looked like a king. with strange planes. After supper I would go and see Catherine Barkley. he said.Bacchus. They will love you like a son. cheekfitted. darling. We all sang. The door was open.Truly I tell you something about your good women.Didnt you carry anybody on your back Gordini says you carried several people on your back but the medical major at the first post declares it is impossible. had some coffee in the kitchen and went out to the garage.
Through the other noise I heard a cough. I forget exactly what they were. We do get along. it was slow in the traffic.That is not good. Some of the wounded were noisy but most were quiet. When there is really work they trust us. The river ran behind us and the town had been captured very handsomely but the mountains beyond it could not be taken and I was very glad the Austrians seemed to want to come back to the town some time.What is there to eatWe have a little pasta asciutta. He laughed. They cant do that to everybody. I said.A sergeant shot two officers who would not get out. I know all about it.
I would take you and never hurt you. went to call on Miss Barkley. They lifted me onto the table. I believe we should get the war over. then took a bite of cheese. ha! he said.All right. in which you said things instead of playing cards. I had been up the river to the bridgehead at Plava.Wait a minute. They had always cracked in other wars. Rinaldi said goodnight. Always in Rome.He was gone.
I hope youll be comfy. Ive studied it for months now. Goodby. You will please come and make me a good impression on her. Incurred in the line of duty.I took off my tunic and shirt and washed in the cold water in the basin. I said.Be serious. Rinaldi saluted.The driver came out of the door with the papers for the wounded in the car. with strange planes. Tell me exactly what happened. Always with the girls. One killed and the fellow that brought you.
gonorrhea.It could not be worse. the bare ground was covered.Arent you a nurseOh. Outside it was nearly dark. I had not said it before.Whats the matterHe looked at me. But its very beautiful. There were some British batteries up with the third army.Thank God I did not become involved with the British. I unwound the puttee and while I was doing it I saw there was no need to try and make a tourniquet because he was dead already.It is probably to draw attention from where the real attack will be. wop. Naples.
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