Those were all the Austrians mountains and we had nothing like them
Those were all the Austrians mountains and we had nothing like them. I feigned acquaintance. The other cars pulled up. For two weeks now they havent changed them. it seemed. went to call on Miss Barkley. so she loves Scotland better than England. The door was open. Doesnt anybody work nowSince you are gone we have nothing but frostbites. he said. I put thumb and fingers into the macaroni and lifted.No. Five stars.There isnt any place.
The fields were green and there were small green shoots on the vines. darling. all this in a moment. Not Ba?chus. I got down and went over. Miss Ferguson was with her. said the priest. This is close to the front. One of the two men who had carried it looked in.I wish you were back.I guess youve got a fracture all right.The priest smiled. They come back for me. she said.
It was nearly dark when we came down and turned onto the main road that ran beside the river. the shellmarked iron of the railway bridge. I wished I were in Milan with her. I said.No. Miss Barkley said.How did you happen to do that Why didnt you join up with usI dont know. I wanted to go to the Black Forest. All right.They come after you. I hurried up the driveway and inside the reception hall I asked for Miss Barkley.Can Gordini driveI dont think so. She let me take it and I held it and put my arm around under her arm. Maria.
I saw Catherine Barkley coming down the hall. A shell burst short near the river bank. Isnt itWhat is the stick I asked. below in the town.It is very valuable. get me out of here.Yes. There were many marble busts on painted wooden pillars along the walls of the room they used for an office. Ill paint all this and Does that sting Good. like bridge. It was half of the brigata Basilicata. He went back inside. I did not care what I was getting into. There was a cough.
There is only one difference between taking a girl who has always been good and a woman.All right. His right hand left the wheel and opened a button on his tunic and pulled it out from under his shirt.Has there been any trouble getting parts I asked the sergeant mechanic.Oh. It was a one road show.About the soup. Yes.Be serious. They could drive all right. They had come back for him.No.The room I shared with the lieutenant Rinaldi looked out on the courtyard. sometimes now seeing his face and little long necked body and gray beard like a goats chin tuft; all these with the sudden interiors of houses that had lost a wall through shelling.
the lieutenant said. You wont go awayNo. I knew that I was hit and leaned over and put my hand on my knee. Maria. I said. There were racks of rockets standing to be touched off to call for help from the artillery or to signal with if the telephone wires were cut.That doesnt matter. Now they try to forget it. father. Signor Tenente.Yes. They did very well last summer. Why did you join up with the ItaliansI was in Italy.I sat on a chair and held my cap.
We walked on a way and were stopped under a tree.Priest wants us never to attack. bulged forward under the capes so that the men. and the world all unreal in the dark and so exciting that you must resume again unknowing and not caring in the night.I dont believe a word of this. You will like it.Priest not with girls. We have to just walk here.You want us to stay here or can we look aroundBetter stay here. Its in the bulletin. They lined them up afterward and took every tenth man. said Passini and spat on the floor.How are you.You were quite right.
There. We passed a long column of loaded mules. Oh Jesus shoot me Christ shoot me mama mia mama Mia oh purest lovely Mary shoot me. I wiped my hand on my shirt and another floating light came very slowly down and I looked at my leg and was very afraid. she said. Stop it. But its a rotten game. I will go now and bring her here. They were silent until I went out.Goodnight.You are ignorant. There was much traffic at night and many mules on the roads with boxes of ammunition on each side of their pack-saddles and gray motor trucks that carried men. Ive seen you about. Inside I saw the head nurse.
He had written to his father that I was coming and they had made preparations. I said. You see I didnt care about the other thing and he could have had it all. With a sabre cut. father. You are better with her without me. Naples.Cant I stay here.The major spoke to an orderly who went out of sight in the back and came back with a metal basin of cold cooked macaroni. We are mechanics. she said. said Rinaldi. Signor Tenente. He was going to marry me and he was killed in the Somme.
Tenente.And you call me CatherineCatherine. and things went very badly. I had a very fine little show and Im all right now. I myself felt as badly as he did and could not understand why I had not gone. marched as though they were six months gone with child. which every one ate very quickly and seriously.She laughed.This is a rotten game we play. Gordini stood up and went outside with me. He offered me a glass of cognac. . A shell burst short near the river bank.I went back to the majors dugout and he said the field kitchen would be along and the drivers could come and get their stew.
I said.Ill go and see now. I put thumb and fingers into the macaroni and lifted. dont you It seemed it was a very funny joke if you understood it properly. I said. when they wouldnt attack and they shot every tenth manNo. Did you think I was Italian There were some Italians with one of our units. He looked like a king.Now you see. Then I floated. smoking.Oh.I am happy.Were you thereNo.
They come after you. Then.Were you thereNo. brought by Gordini who looked very white and sick.It doesnt finish. he straightened up. She would not let me put my arm around her. They have their own country.Oh.Goodnight.I drank the cognac and felt it warm all the way down. he said. For two weeks now they havent changed them.The next year there were many victories.
I asked him if there was a big dugout where the drivers could stay and he sent a soldier to show me. wash it out.I went out to look at the cars and see what was going on and then came back and sat down in the dugout with the four drivers. Get out of here. I said. I helped the soldier with the rupture up on the seat with us. So were all on very special behavior. I am well. How is your poor head I looked at your papers. The attack would cross the river up above the narrow gorge and spread up the hillside. I wont kiss you if you dont want. had some coffee in the kitchen and went out to the garage. Your lovely cool goddess.The Germans too.
brought by Gordini who looked very white and sick.You love Italy Rinaldi asked Miss Ferguson in English.I lifted it to arms length and the strands cleared. FrancoI am all right.Youre not a Catholic. Oh Jesus lovely Mary stop it. Rocca ignored this and went on to explain the joke to me. I said. My knee wasnt there.Are you very tired she asked. This was a game. He laughed. The officers all came from such good families. baby.
Lacerations of the scalp (he probed Does that hurt Christ. tannic and lovely. We drank the second grappa. I will write you cards to my family in Amalfi. Chew those. I looked at her. Stop it. They lined them up afterward and took every tenth man. lit it and went on reading.Dont write anything that will bother the censor. We are brothers and we love each other. Hold on to my neck. When he stopped swishing and fell asleep they came down and I blew them away and finally covered my face with my hands and slept too. Like bridge you had to pretend you were playing for money or playing for some stakes.
He stopped the car and looked in through the hole behind his seat. Gavuzzi said. as when a blast furnace door is swung open.Start in to eat. I had gotten somewhat drunk and had nearly forgotten to come but when I could not see her there I was feeling lonely and hollow. darling. the captain said.No. Milan.Oh. Bacchus or no Bacchus. There is nothing as bad as war. I followed his hands with my eyes. The major said he had heard a report that I could drink.
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